S1 Ep14 Nothing Much. What's Up With You?

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   Today's the day babes! You're going to meet your soulmate! Your one and only! The hottie with a body! He could get a body count, both kinds! You know who it is! Give a round of applause for the delinquent, the artist, the loyal sweetheart who will beat up anyone givin ya trouble: Aren Kuboyasu!


Oh twas a day like any other. Kaido was rambling about Dark Reunion. Nendou was planning on which ramen shop he should visit today. Saiki was daydreaming about coffee jelly. Hairo was getting pumped up about whatever may be going on.

For a moment it felt as if everything was perfect. Somehow with the chatter Y/N felt at peace. They don't know why or how but they just do. Nothing has change for them personally they still gotten barely any sleep or breakfast so what force could be doing this. It surely wasn't Saiki.

"Hey did you hear about the new kid?"

Ah perhaps that's it. A new presence to spice things up. Y/N didn't even know that there was a transfer students coming until today.

"Please don't let it be another Toritsuka" Y/N prayed. They can barely handle one panty stealing creep in the school. If another on came they just might hav to take on a life of crime lmao. RIP BOZO.

Once the bell rung everyone was in their seats and the teacher hushed the students so they can bring in the new student. "Kuboyasu you can come in now" The teach looked towards the door.

And as soon as he stepped in Y/N went from calm to pure bliss. Oh me oh my he was sure handsome despite what the girls said. The vibrant voilet hair with the middle part, the nice glasses that fit his face type perfectly, and his face in general.

"Hello I'm kuboyasu Aren" He introduced himself before he wrote his name on the board. When slight chatter arose he has realised that he had wrote "was here" underneath it.

"Sorry force of habit-" He quickly erases his mistake. And from this moment Y/N recognized that he must been and/or is some sort or rapscallion who got down to some tom-fuckery. And they absolutely vibed with that.

"Sup' homies?" He then greeted the class who thought it was funny that he said 'sup' and 'homies'. Y/N then thought of another possibility, perhaps he's an American. They tend to us slang like that. Again, they vibed with it because it would mean that have something in common.

"If I'm his homies will he kiss me goodnight?" Wait, what? "No. Bad Y/N. Just because someone is hot doesn't mean you can't fucking fall in love at first sight" Y/N scolded themselves.

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