Start from the beginning

The more fashion-forward of their friend group was always Kat and tonight was no different. She had on a sheer navy blue top that had constellations on it with her black lacy bra underneath. She had her top tucked into a black denim skirt and a pair of sheer black tights. She even added a pair of blue socks peaking out of her Dr. Martens.

Adelaide admired her friend for having the confidence to wear such bold outfits, especially the silver star earrings that were on full display with her hair pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of her neck.

Kat and Hermione were telling the boys a story about their Ancient Runes class that they didn't look particularly interested in but still listened nonetheless. Addy laughed at the situation, out of everyone you would expect to be talking about coursework at a party, it would be the two of them.

Looking up from the conversation, Addy locked eyes with a guy who had been very obviously looking at her. Her cheeks began to glow pink and she looked away quickly.

She spent a lot of time in this common room, she knew almost everyone. He was in her brother's year, but she couldn't remember his name. It started with a 'K' maybe? Addy shook her head and tuned into the conversation again.

Harry looked at her and tilted his head towards her drink, "What is that?"

She shrugged, "Dunno, something muggle with a lion. Tastes like firewhiskey a bit,"

He raised an eyebrow and took her cup, sipping on the brown liquid, "Fireball. Are you trying to get hammered?"

Adelaide took her drink back and a smile grew on her face, "Lets dance,"

Harry rolled his eyes as the four girls got up and went towards the people dancing, all laughing and giggling at each other.

Ron had been avoiding looking at her so far, he didn't want the guilty conscience. But as she pulled Hermione up and ran to go dance he couldn't help but stare. His eyes looked over to her and he couldn't pull them away.

She was wearing a burnt orange corduroy dress with a mustard long sleeve underneath. She had on a pair of trainers with frilly mustard socks showing. She pulled her hair back into a half-up half-down style with a yellow scrunchie.

Her makeup had been a bit more dramatic with a thicker wing than usual and she even had smoked out the bit under her eye. Ron had thought it was honestly very attractive.

Adelaide laughed as Kat placed her hands on her hips and swayed to the music with her. Mindy and Hermione were dancing a bit more intense than usual and the two Hufflepuffs giggled when they noticed.

"Hermione had a bit too much firewhiskey," Addy yelled into Kat's ear.

Kat laughed, "Yeah, so did Minds'. Look at her she's in heaven,"

The two looked to see their friends smiling while very clearly giving each other the eyes as they danced around to the music.

The four girls danced for a while before dispersing amongst the crowd. Addy had gone back to the table with the alcohol and opted to take the bottle of the lion liquid instead of pouring it into a cup.

As she turned around she was face to face with the boy from earlier. She smiled awkwardly before going to step around him, but he stepped in front of her again.

"Kenneth," He held his hand out for her to shake.

She knew it started with a 'K'.

"Adelaide," She shook his hand, giving him a polite smile.

"I know,"

Addy furrowed her brows at that and he shook his head, "That was creepy, I'm in your brother's year. So I know who you are,"

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