Billy x Reader

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In this one Billy is dating Y/n but he doesn't stop other girls from flirting with him.
Also Randy is together with Sidney. <3
This is a short one. Also a lil steam at the end ;)

Your P.o.v:

"Heyyyy Randy, got that new Halloween yet?" I say as I slide my arms over the counter whilst making my way over to him. "Nope, not yet Y/n. I'm still waiting also, but I promise you will be the first person I will notify."
I groan and place my head on the counter. "Oh stop being such a big baby." He says laughing. I pick my head up and roll my eyes, "wowww so rude Mr Randy. Anyways how is Sid?" He looks up at me and smiles "She's awsome, we went on another date yesterday."

"Oh cool, where'd you guys go?" I say starting to strum my fingers across the marbled counter "I picked her up and we ended up going to get food and went back to her place." I gave him a sly smile and the side eye, "Randy you sly dog." He snaps his head in my direction "Y/n! It's not like that!" I hold my hands up in defense "Ok!ok, geez" I say and we both laugh. "How's Billy?" He asks me, "From what I know we are fine." He scoffs "Not for long it looks like."
I look at him weird but then follow his direction of eyesight.
Billy was surrounded by a load of females who were practically hanging off of his arms, his eyes cold and unemotional as he stares right at me and Randy.

I scoff in disgust and turn back to Randy. "Well I thought we were fine anyways." Randy smiles gently and pats my hand with his own. I smile and look at him "Thanks Rand-" His hand is ripped off of mine as I was lifted and moved to the side "KEEP YOUR HANDS OF MY GIRLFRIEND SHITHEAD" I look over and see an enraged Billy. "Hey bro, I was just comforting them, seeing as you were too absorbed about gaining the attention of other girls instead of spending time with your significant other."

Billy was about to go for Randy until I stepped infront of him, "Fuck of Billy, honestly you bathe in the attention of other girls and you never talk to me anymore. Everytime I turn into the halls at school your surrounded by a bunch of bimbos who wear to much makeup you can class them as Pennywise the fucking clown." He goes to talk and I put my finger up as a signal for him to shut the hell up and let me speak for a minute. Randy passes me a cup of water, which I take and take a few sips.

I look at the cup contemplating if I was going to do what I was thinking of doing. Fuck it.
I push the cup upwards and all the remaining contents drench Billy's face and upper torso. He looks shocked and quite pissed (which isn't surprising) and Randy who looks elated but tries to conceal it.

"You know what, fucking have them. Because I know damn well those bitches can't fuck you better than I can." I pass Randy the cup back and walk out the door.


"I've just had enough of his shit Stu!"
"Y/n listen, I know he's an asshole but he has his perks. What about that time where you were upset and he came over and watched movies with you?" I make a straight face and slide my hand down my face while letting out an exaggerated sigh. "Stu you were there also!"
"That's not the point. The point is, he was there with you aswell and didn't stop hugging you until you calmed down. He made you your favourite snacks and dinner and even watched the films he doesn't like, just to see a smile on your face."
I smile slightly at the memory, "But Stu it doesn't make it right that he basks in female attention 24/7 and then act like nothing is wrong. Something is wrong."

I get my pizza out of the oven with one hand and turn the oven off. "Has Billy been by yours?" I ask already slicing up the pizza. "Yeah and then he started ranting and raving about how you threw a drink on him, even though he thought it was hot."
I chuckle "Well I thought about it and then I just went for it. Yolo am I right?"
"I mean I guess, but hey I have to go and sort some stuff out. See you tomorrow at school." "See you tomorrow Stu, thank you for listening to my little rant."
"No problem, that's what friends are for right? Bye Y/n"
The phone call ends and I place my phone back in my pocket and grab my plate of pizza.

I sit down and put on my favourite TV show and pit the plate on the coffee table infront of me and start eating my pizza. That is until my phone starts ringing "Hello?" I say my mouth still full with pizza. "Hello Y/n."
The monotone voice box crackles through the other end of the phone. "Billy shut up and just come through the front door" hearing a sigh from somewhere in the house the phone call ends. Small thumps could be heard coming down the steps and soon enough Billy is next to me on the couch. "In my bedroom again? Perv." I say chuckling at the end.

"Look, Y/n I'm sorry about earlier and all those other times where I didn't do anything to stop those girls from drooling over me and the times where they were in my arms. But I truly love you, I only do it because I'm insecure that you are gonna leave me for Randy or somethin" I nearly choke on my pizza, I place it down and turn to him.
"Really? Randy is going out with Sidney, why would I ever look at somebody else when I have you?" I place my hand on his cheek and rub it slowly. He places his hand ontop of my own and then moves me onto his lap. "I love you Billy, I'll always forgive you. But when I mean I want girls to know we are together" I adjust myself on his lap and start kissing his neck. He let's out a stiffled groan, I look at him and he bites his lip trying to contain his noises. I love this side of him.

"Don't try to hide them love" I start to move my hips in a circular motion, soon feeling him through my leggins. He starts to let out breathy whines as I start to pick up the pace. I suddenly stop and he groans in frustration while grasping my hips hard. I lean back into his neck "So needy." I say and nibble and suck at his neck. His face was soon nuzzled into the side of my next and shoulder, kissing it as I continue giving him hickies.

After I give him multiple hickies I then get off of his lap and pick up my plate of pizza. He looks at me confused and needy, I give him an innocent look "What? I can't let my pizza get cold. Want some?" He grumbles and takes a slice after placing a pillow over his crotch. "If you're lucky, you might get some later Billy boy" I say laughing a bit. He grabs me and moves me so that his arm is around my side and I am snuggled up to him. "Love you Y/n"
"I love you too."


I hope you guys enjoyed <3

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