Micheal Myers x Reader

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F/n= Friend name
Y/n= Your name
**Tw** may be gory, so please be warned xx

Your P.o.v:

'I fucking hate this time of year, kids always knocking on your doors saying "Trick or Treat" Like no, go away I'm trying to have time to myself and I have to pause whatever I'm doing every two minutes to open the goddamned door and giving out candy that should be for myself.

Not like I hate kids or anything but I just want to have some me time you know?'
"Wow sounds like you are getting irritated already and the day hasn't even started yet, lmao" F/n laughs over the phone, I sigh and scroll through netflix while slouching on the couch.
"Could you tell?" I slightly chuckled while reaching over to grab a chocolate bar that was conveniently placed on the table infront of me, with other various snacks.

I turn on the TV and look through netflix. I settle on 'The Bride of Chucky' and start playing the movie "You could always come over to mine and we could just turn all the lights off and have an 'us' night, like the old times?" F/n suggests.

I look up at the clock '12:45' "Sure, why not. Just give me 10 minutes and I'll be straight over." F/n let's out an excited noise and says that they are going to quickly get a few things.
I end the call and take one more look at the T.V before turning it off. "So much for a movie marathon."
I go upstairs and pick out some comfy clothes. (Your choice).
Looking at myself "Look like shit, but then again do I care? Hmm nope. Am I a bad bitch, yes. Yes I am." I walk downstairs again and go to the kitchen to grab some microwave popcorn and a bowl of candy. Looking around I swear I am forgetting something with the popcorn and bowl of candy in one arm with the other I grab my phone and keys.


Locking my car I walk up my bestfriends driveway and knock on their door. After a few minutes they don't answer so I knock again. "F/n? Hurry up I'm freezing my ass off out here! Cmon I got munch and everythingggg" I look at their driveway and realise that their car isn't here yet "yep only me thinking my friends in without realising their car isn't even here, fuck sake." I mutter under my breath.

I look around not knowing what to do, yes I can go back to my car but that's just boring and I missed out on a horror movie to come round here. I glance back over to my car and see something behind it in the distance, I shrug "Probably some nature stuff."
Looking at their fence I contemplate possibly breaking my arm or something and just settle on the idea to just jump it. What's the worst that can happen right? Before I attempt to jump the fence I look at the time and it is now 1:45, a bloody hour has gone by?! Jesus.

I go to climb the fence to realise a massive problem, how do I get my food over the fence aswell? Welp, I throw the bowl over the fence and hear it make a connection with the grass on the other side. Just as I'm about to attempt to climb this fence I hear a car pull up in the driveway, I turn around only to be met with F/n's car.
I walk up to it, kind of embarrassed and kind of pissed off because I just threw my food over their fence. "F/n, where have you been? The amount of time it took you I could've watched bride of Chucky by nowww" I whine whilst helping them get some bags out of their car.
"Oh hush you big baby, I got food, drinks and silly string" I looked at them funny "silly string?" They unlocked the door and set the bags on the table "Well, you were telling me how you hate answering the door so maybe we could dress up as whatever and come through the back door and ambush them with silly strings and maybeee" they stretch out the maybe whilst opening a bag to reveal water guns and balloons "these?" I snatch the bag and begin to fill the various items up "Fuck yeah, this is why we are bestfriends. You are an absolute legend!"

I look back over to them to see them shutting the door and looking through the window "Everything alright broski?" I ask, they turn to me and hum in acknowledgement and start putting some food items away "Just thought I saw something probably some dumb kids planning on egging my house to be honest." I nod my head and sigh "Most probably, kids nowadays are proper shitheads."
"Well if they do, I could always rinse them down with the hose in the back garden." They said making me chuckle. I start filling the water guns up first. They had brought four, which I am assuming we will get two each, heck yeah. We take a photo with us holding our water guns and we giggle at our stupid faces we pulled and we continue on with what we were doing.

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