"Finally!" She said

I playfully rolled my eyes at her extra-ness. She walked over to the car and helped us with our bags.

I rolled my suitcase and followed her inside. We went to the guest rooms and sat the bags down before returning back downstairs.

"Now where is my daughter in law?" My mom asked

I chuckled "She's coming later after her game."

She nodded "I believe you're brothers in there watching it."

I walked into the living room where my brother's josh and John was watching the game.

"Man come on y'all fouling her down just because y'all losing!" John exclaimed

I almost chuckled but stopped when josh spoke up.

"Yo girl look mad as hell." He pointed out

I looked at the screen seeing Morgan with her jaw clenched.

I seen it all in her face that she was pissed. The game was almost over so I'll be seeing her soon.

After making both of her free throws making the crowd go wild in screams. It was the other teams ball with only ten seconds left.

They lucky last shot wasn't so lucky since somebody from Morgan's team blocked it and ran the time out.

The camera quickly showed Morgan and Brandon dap before she went off of the court and headed to the locker rooms.

I went back into the kitchen and continued to talk to my mom and Jade.

"So I never asked but how did you and Morgan start talking?"

I blushed "Well..."

Later that night
1:35 a.m.

I felt the bed dip and almost started swinging on whoever it was but stopped one I smelled a familiar cologne and I heard that voice.

"Hey baby." Morgan said

"Hey." I said before I turned the TV on to get some lighting in the room

I glanced back over at her appearance seeing her wearing sweats with a t-shirt.

"How did you get in?"

"Jade and your mom are actually still up downstairs." She chuckled


She nodded "Yeah I would've been came up but I was down there talking to them. I like ya mom by the way, she's a sweetheart."

I pouted "All of this while I was sleeping."

"I know. I thought that ass was going to be up when I came here." She said sliding into the bed

I moved closer to her laying my head on her chest. Her hands ran circles in my back.

"I was going to be but I was so tired. Road trips make me tired every time."

"Nah I get it. I was going to drive but I didn't want to walk through ya mom house too late. That's rude." She laughed

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