Chapter Four

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Arthur frowned down at the scene of Gwaine holding Merlin in his arms in the middle of the street. Isn't he supposed to be resting or something? The prince thought to himself, aggravated as Merlin's giggles reached his ears and Gwaine placed a flower in his hair.

His servant wasn't supposed to be enjoying taking care of Gwaine so much. It made him want to shout down into the street at him, but he refrained from making a scene like that. Camelot was more crowded than usual with the upcoming melee. Arthur sighed unhappily once more before turning away and heading to train with his knights. He needed a distraction... and something to hit.

Merlin tried to make Gwaine promise to go rest again, but the playful man just smiled, bowed once more, and disappeared into the crowd. Probably going directly towards the tavern. The warlock rolled his eyes, knowing there was nothing for it as he made his way to his next deliveries inside the castle itself. One was for the king himself, and he was granted entrance into his personal chambers after a few knocks on his door.

"Your potion from Gaius, sire," Merlin said, bowing respectfully and setting it on the large table. He turned immediately, heading for the door knowing Uther never really wanted to acknowledge him anyway.

"Boy," Uther's icy voice stopped him where he was, and Merlin did his best to hide the cold shiver that ran down his spine at being addressed by the dangerous man. "The man who saved my son, how is he?"

Merlin turned with a sigh of relief, hating that he always had to live in fear of the king discovering his magic and severing his head.

"He's recovering well, sire," Merlin reassured him with a small smile. Seeing as he's walking around as if there isn't an open wound in his leg, Merlin thought sarcastically.

The king was looking at him oddly, which wasn't all that abnormal when Merlin made some stupid, clumsy mistake. But as far as he knew, he hadn't done that yet today, so he wasn't sure what the look was for.

"Good," Uther nodded, waving him away.

Merlin scurried from the room, once again sighing in relief when he was out of Uther's presence. God, how he hated that man and everything he stood for. Merlin had a new skip in his step as he made his way back home, hoping to find Gwaine there. He knew it was futile, the man didn't seem to be able to sit still, but he daydreamed about it anyway. Getting to sit back and relax for a moment, perhaps while getting to admire their beautiful guest. He was just passing the training grounds when he spotted a shock of golden hair that could only belong to one man.

He veered toward the field as Arthur slammed his sword against his opponent's, the metal ringing with the impact. Merlin really could watch Arthur fight all day, the man was a genius at it. His movements were strong, sure, and so fluid it was like a dance. He really was the best knight in Camelot. But that fact didn't make Merlin's worry for his safety in the melee disappear, he still had a bad feeling. And his feelings were much too frequently correct. The knight Arthur was sparring with fell to the ground, and the prince grinned down at him before offering him his hand and pulling him up. Arthur proceeded to gently correct the boy on his mistake, offering advice in the least condescending way Merlin had ever heard.

He proved time and time again that he would make an excellent king, being an excellent leader already.

The prince moved to place his sword on the rack, catching sight of Merlin at the same time and grinning at him. He sauntered over to where Merlin leaned against the castle wall.

"Lazying about again, are you Merlin?" He quipped, giving him a look.

The warlock grinned cheekily at him, "I never laze about," Merlin argued, and Arthur scoffed in disagreement.

Protecting Merlin {Merwaine - MerlinxGwaine}Where stories live. Discover now