3 - You're going to pay.

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Looking at all my notifications, I saw the millions of texts from my cousin. I'm going to kill her for spamming me. I called her but of course, it went to voicemail. This girl will be dealt with, even if it's through voicemail.

"Oi, Wonyoung. We live in the same apartment, stop spamming my phone!! Spam me again and I'll make sure you have no fingers to spam me with. And also just 'cause you're close with my own mother doesn't mean you have to tell her everything I tell you!! Yes, Wonnie, this is a threat! Also, can you like reheat the food you made yesterday. I'm kinda hungry. Love youuu. Mwah!!", I sent to her with my love.

"All of that because of spamming??", a deep, raspy voice said behind me. I jumped at the voice and dropped my phone.

"For Fuck's Sake!! My fucking phone.", I yelled as I picked up my phone. It was cracked.

"Oh my fucking God!!! Are you serious right now? You practically broke my fucking phone.", I shouted at him.

"Hello?? You broke my phone!?"", I yelled at him. I soon realised he wasn't paying attention and he was looking at my body. A smirk grew on his face.

Ugh, pervert.

I snapped my fingers at him and his eyes came back to mine.

"Are you just gonna stand there, staring? That's not helping my phone.", I scolded him as I constantly smacked my phone hoping that it would just come back to life.

"There's no point smacking it like that, it's not going to turn back on. And I'm guessing that you're going to get on this bus so instead of smacking that device, you should tap your bus pass." he coldly replied as he got on the bus.

I scoffed, getting on the bus. I went up to him and put my hand out. He looked at my hand then me and proceeded to chuckle.

"Don't you have pocket money?" he asked me.

"Go buy your own phone. And before you say it was my fault, you shouldn't have been that scared.", he told me.

With my hand still out, he closed my hand and pushed it back down. And he just left.

"Bitch?", I said in shock as I stood there still. I looked back to the door as the bus began to move.

You're gonna fucking pay, Park Seonghwa.


As I got off the bus, a smirk grew on my face. I wouldn't mind dating Haewon, she seems easy to crack. Maybe it'll have a harder impact on her.

I walked home and unlocked the door to see my stepfather smiling at me.

"Seonghwa, my boy! We was just finishing up packing.", he lead me upstairs to their bedroom. The smell of my mother's vanilla candle made me feel comfortable.

I put my bag on the floor of their room, as they packed the last few things they needed. My stepfather was right, they're nearly done.

"Mum, you don't have a lot of space. Stop shoving a bunch of stuff in.", I nagged at her.

She smiled at me, "Ahh, my son is all grown up!! I remember when you was such a Mama's boy!". My mother hugged me closely.

She let go of me and looked me in the eye. "Are you sure you're going to be okay tomorrow by yourself.", she asked me.

"Mum, I'll be fine. Don't even worry.", I reassured her just so I could see her beautiful smile.

"Alright, off to bed now!!", she then shooed me out of her room. I quickly grabbed my bag and left.

I walked to my room and collapsed into my bed. I sighed thinking about today. I grabbed my phone and went onto Instagram.


Results showing..


I pressed on the first acc, hoping that it was her.

'This account is private.'


I sent her a follow request. I doubt she would even accept.

sorry for the inactivity!! it's quite a suckish chapter sorry! i doubt anyone's catching up with this but if u are reading this, i'm sending u lots of love!! <33 also 699 words 💀 -author 

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