1: metamorphosis

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Me and twin sister Rikki were hiding behind a boat on the docs watching Zane, Nate and Dylan try to fix his zodiac but it wouldn't work cause me and Rikki stole his spark plug. Zane was talking to a girl that goes to our school while Dylan was on his phone unbothered by what was happening I grab my strawberry lipgloss from my pocket applying some as I watch what's happening in-front of me . Zane somehow got the girl to get in the zodiac probably said he needed a hand. Once she was in the zodiac Zane untied the rope that was keeping it connected to the doc and pushes the zodiac out on the water  "Rikki we have to save her." I say urgently as I shove my lipgloss in my pocket "We will when she gets closer Lia. Get ready to jump." Rikki assures "Okay." I nod  forgot to mention I hate Zane so much but not as much as his best friend Dylan. Dylan always finds a reason to be a dick to me. Me and Rikki jump on the zodiac when it gets close enough. "Ahh!" The girl screams "is this supposed to be some sort of rescue? Because there's a fatal flaw here. I don't mean to state the obvious but we're just floating out to sea. All of us." As she finishes her sentence Rikki holds up the spark plug. "You took that." She says shocked as Rikki puts the spark plug back "Zane Bennett's a pig. Anything I can do to get under his skin can't be a bad thing, can it?" I nod "cool, thanks, Rikki,Alia." We both look at her "you know our names?" I ask "yeah, well ive  seen you guys around school, since you arrived. Oh, I mean, I've meant to say hello and everything." She rushes out and I nod "Hold on." Rikki says We start driving away Then Rikki splashes Zane with water and we start laughing sadly Dylan was standing to far away to get soaked same with Nate.

We drove around for a bit until We see Emma one of Cleo's friends. "Hey Emma want a ride?" Cleo asks "are you licensed?" Emma asks worried "Are you my mother?" Rikki answers sarcastically Emma
Gets in reluctantly "Wanna go out to sea?" Rikki asks "isn't it dangerous in a park this size?" Emma asks "Chill out." Rikki says Suddenly the engine packs up or were out of fuel  "are we chilled out yet?" Emma asks "so we're floating, it's not like we're sinking." Rikki says "Not yet." I sigh "I think we're out of fuel." I say "feel like paddling to that island?" Rikki asks "Mako island? Forget it." Emma says "No one goes there. It's surrounded by sharks, and reefs, and mangroves." Cleo reasons "Well it's all we got." Me and Rikki say We start paddling to the island.

"How are we ever gonna get back home?" Cleo asks "good question, Cleo. Ask your friends."Emma says clearly annoyed "Don't put this on us." Rikki says "oh, so it was someone else fault. Someone else took this thing miles offshore. You three are lucky I've got this." She says pulling out a phone. "Your not gonna get Signal here. If we did have signal I would have tried with my phone." I say "Emma's always really prepared." Cleo says proudly my statement being ignored "I'm so happy for her." Rikki says sarcastically "Alias right no signal we should try and get to higher ground." Emma says after trying We start to walk to higher ground. "Do you have an idea where you're going?" I ask "Just up. I'm still not getting any signal." Emma answers "Maybe we won't get a signal. What then? What is we can't call anyone? What if nobody finds us?" Cleo panics "We'll have to draw straws and decide which one of us the others will eat." Rikki jokes "That's not funny." Emma says "I'm relieving the tension."Rikki reasons "You're making it worse." Emma comments "Come on." I say I can not be assed for the arguments.

We finally reach higher ground. "Mind your step." Emma says We jump over to the bit of rock "I can't do this it's too slippery. There's gotta be another way." Cleo says Cleo gets ready to jump but she falls "Agh!" Cleo groans "Cleo!" We all scream "Cleo!" "Cleo! Cleo!" We scream "I'm okay, I'm fine." Cleo assures "Can you climb up?" I ask "no." Cleo says "Are you sure! Come on, just try." Rikki says "I can't. There's no way it's too steep." Cleo says " me Alia have to go down and get her." Emma says "are you crazy? It doesn't make sense for both—" Rikkis cut off by us jumping "ahh" me and Emma fall We land next to Cleo "Are you okay?" I ask "My leg hurts a little." Cleo informs us "It's probably just sprained." Emma says "Woah!" Rikki screams as she falls down with next to us "what are you doing here?" Emma asks "well, you guys came down." Rikki reasons "You were meant to stay up at the top and throw down a rope or something." Emma scolds "What am I, a mind reader? And what rope?" Rikki asks "shouldn't we concentrate on getting out of here?" Cleo ask "yeah we should." I say We start looking around.

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