Chapter 14

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Speng's POV

When I heard Aaliyah on the phone I was hoping it was Sabrina.

When Alec and her started dating earlier in their relationship I was assigned to watch her just to ensure that she was safe.

I don't know what happened between them but they had an argument and she didn't speak to him for a week.

During that week I watched her, all she did was talk about her cousin. I was curious to find out who this cousin was who she spoke so highly of.

Even when Alec and her were on good terms I was still assigned to watch over her to ensure her safety.

One day she went to the cousin I was dying to see. When I saw her mi know fih sure mi did affi get her.

Mi start watch her too, not in a scary way.
Alec told me to because a deal went wrong and he wanted to ensure everyone associated with us is protected.

Alec know mi like her too suh that's why him assign me fih watch her. Him coulda mek any other man duh it but him duh it fih tempt mi.

Mi did a watch her fih couple months and one day we met when I brought Aaliyah to visit her.

Mi issa gunman, mi caah mek the b know mi love— uhm like her off suh mi juss did play it cool.

I don't know how dem duh it but is like Alec and Aaliyah can read people's minds.

When we were leaving her cousin's house mi hear she say,

"Nothing tried, nothing done inuh Speng, mek a move".

I looked at her and laughed hard as fuck caah how the fuck she know say mi like her cousin.

I didn't think anything of it and mi did think she figet bout that.

Mi is a idiot too because to how Alec talk bout her it evident she nuh figet nothing at all!

A couple of times when I was safeguarding Sabrina I saw her meet with a idiot. The man ugly and him head big uh fuck.

Pretty gyal ever deh wid some ugly man!

One day I followed him when he met up with her earlier in the day something seemed off about him.

I eventually followed him, he was fishing around a warehouse until he opened the door and got in.

What I saw next was surprising as fuck, he had a girl tied to a chair.


I analyzed the situation first and saw that he was going to rape her.


Rape is a sticky topic for me cause my aunt raped me when I was just 10 years old.

Even though they claim rape is the penetration of the penis into the vagina.

When mi tell mi father seh she rape mi, dem laugh and say nothing nuh guh suh.

Dem seh man caah get rape, and to me that juss nuh mek no sense. If a woman tie mi up and fuck mi off without mi consent that is rape!

Nuh care wah nuhbody waah say!


Mi Aunty wah fih nurture and keep mi safe sitdung pan mi buddy without mi consent.

I was so young, mi never understand wah did a gwan all mi a bawl she naah ease up offa mi.

An wah hurt mi the most mi family never believe mi. From that day forward mi start gwan like big man.

Mi duh everything fih people nuh come round mi, I acted out over the simplest situations. I eventually killed my Aunt one night she came in drunk and tried doing the same thing to me again.

I stabbed her in the neck and only realized when I saw her body on the ground bleeding out.

I ran from the house and started running down the street, a man saw me and asked me what was wrong.

He looked down at me and saw the blood on my hands and my clothes, I couldn't tell this man what I had just done.

I tried running from him but he grabbed me in his hold and forced me to take him to my home.

I eventually did so out of fear and when he reached and saw the body on the ground he immediately made some calls.

After about 5 minutes I saw men coming in and cleaning the area. I didn't understand why he helped me, after all, he doesn't know me.

When they were leaving I thought he'd just leave but to my surprise, he pulled me behind him. I tried fighting him but it was no use.

He put me in the car to sit beside him and the driver drove off. We drove for about an hour, we pulled up to a large gate and it opened.

Yow issa big Rass house this inuh, mi never see a house big suh yet!

The man saw the way I was admiring the house and chuckled. We walked up to the door and a beautiful lady came to the door.

She pulled me in a hug and I was startled as fuck,

"Why the fuck she a hug mi and behave suh, she nuh see blood pan mi".

She pinched my cheeks and lead me to a bathroom she told me to clean myself up and she gave me some clothes that were exactly my size.

Why does she have clothes my size?

'A wonder if dem a some sick people wah love likkle Pitney'.

When I was finished showering I put the clothes on that they gave me.

When I opened the door the same lady came and lead me down the stairs.

When I was descending the stairs I saw a young boy who looked the same age as me.

'Oh, suh that's why dem have clothes fih fit mi'.
Mi a ketch back the rhythm now inuh!
More Chapters Soon!

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