chapter 2 - trust and hurt.

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Isabella p.o.v.

I was running in the forest to get away from these pervy rogues. Yes I know I'm a rogue to but I'm not like all the rest of the rogues I have only been a rogue for a month.

I'm only a rogue because other stupid rogues came and attacked my pack called paw pack and killed them all. There was only a few of us that survived. Unfortunately my parents was not one of the survivors. They died protecting me , there only child. My pack was only a small pack that's why it didnt take so long for the rogues to take us all out. We wasnt the strongest pack or the biggest pack. Far from it actually we was probably one of the weakest and smallest packs.

I kept running and running not even looking where I'm going. Suddenly I trip over a stick on the floor and go flying down a little hill bit. I then realised I could smell a pack .

"Shit hope what are we going to do we have passed a packs territory." I asked my wolf.

"I'm not sure bella, maybe try sneak back out the territory" she said a little worried that we might get caught.

"Good idea"

I tried to stand up but my ribs was killing me from getting beat by them rogues. If I hadn't found that Rock then I dont even want to know what else they would have done to me apart from beat me.

I was about to stand up one last time when I smelt them. The luna and alpha I could smell how strong they was. I whimpered and so did my wolf knowing we really was in trouble now.

The alpha was stood in front of the luna as if to protect her. Just like any wolf would especially an alpha when there is a rogue. For whatever reason I felt safe round the luna though. I felt she wouldn't hurt me .

I was about to defend myself for not meaning to step on there territory, when this amazing smell hit my nose.

My wolf started to stir in my head chanting something that I couldn't make out. I was to busy being hypnotized by a very handsome man with bright green eyes.

All of a sudden I finally understood what my wolf was saying when I heard the male who I can sense is a beta growl "mate".

I could see the happiness shine in his eyes. When all of a sudden it changed to anger, shock and Disappointment .

I knew straight away it was because I was a rogue. The rage in his eyes and the disappointment made me whimper and crawl more towards the tree with tears threatening to spill. I tried not to let them slip but I failed miserably.

Fear and dread is what I felt now. Fear of getting rejected and fear off getting killed for trespassing on territory. Dread of the thoughts of what will happen to me.

I decided to speak to try get them to understand I didnt mean to trespass. Maybe they will let me go. It's clear my mate doesnt want me and that hurts. But it will only hurt more if I am around him or if im in a cell getting beaten and he leaves them to beat me.

I whimpered and that thought.

"Please dont hurt me. I-im sorry I didnt mean to pass onto your territory I only realised to late that I passed on your territory I was just trying to get away from the rogues."
This only made the alpha growl and for beta to growl at him back and for me to whimper.

"You are a rogue yourself" the alpha said with his alpha voice. I whimpered not liking his tone. I whimpered again because I could feel myself beginning to want to just collapse from all the pain and exhaustion I felt.

"I know alpha but.. " I never got chance to finish when the luna stepped forward but the alpha growled warningly to stop her and pulled her by the waist to him.

"She is hurt my love, look at her. If she doesn't see a doctor right away she might not survive. " the luna said softly making the beta who is my mate growl not liking the thought I might die.

" alright angel . Beta jason why dont you carry her to the infirmary. " alpha more commanded then asked.

Beta jason.... so that's its name. It suits him well.

I started to feel a little dizzy and my breathing started to come out in pants. I really didnt feel so good.

All of a sudden I was lifted of the ground into a pair of arms. I squealed not expecting it. I could feel sparks coming all over my body from where he touched me and I loved it but I knew it wasnt going to last. I whimpered at that thought which made beta jason pull me closer to his chest without realising what he was doing. I snuggled into him more wanting the comforting for as long as I can.

I started to see black dots but I tried to keep my eyes open not wanting this moment to stop. The last thing I seen before everything went dark was beta jason big green worried eyes.

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