Chapter 4

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Cedric's p.o.v.

"Draco." I began.

He spat his answer in my face, his clenched, pearl-white teeth showing.

"Don't say my name!"

"I will. And the truth is what I told you, Draco. Let me help you, I mean you or your mother no harm. Please, let me." In, I added in my mind.

He let go of my wrist and took a step back, his head lowered. I didn't know what to say to him. He looked so small, so afraid and so desperate... Although it hurt to look at him, I did. Gently, I took his hands into mine and entwined our fingers. He spoke, as though my touch triggered him.

"He says he'll kill her if I don't do as he says. I cannot refuse him. He says he'll kill her first and won't think a second thought about it. I don't give a damn about that moron called my father! He beats me, you know." He freed one of his hands from my hold and punched the shelf next to my shoulder. His breaths were ragged and he seemed to have a hard time swallowing. I tentatively pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around him. I was seeing his imperfect side now, the side he has been hiding from everyone for a long time. And I was extremely glad that he didn't fight against my touch and instead leaned closer to me.

We sat there for hours, swapping stories of mismatched lovers and broken lives. Hearing about his father was the worst. It had to be. To be told that someone so... perfect could be tainted by such cruelty.

My heart constricted with each cry that escaped Draco's lips. Each sob racked his tiny frame, shaking his lifeless form.

I had to be careful where to place my hands as the traced soothing patterns on his back. My left hand moved a quarter of an inch too high up. This action would've been harmless, had his father not been the violent man he was. The crippling pain was obvious in the agony written on his face.

"Have the wounds been treated?" I questioned, feeling stupid after doing so.

"No", he sighed, "My father like to know I'm suffering as punishment." He was whimpering quietly when I walked away, staring at the calendar to realise it was December 19, we were free to leave school for Christmas.

As soon as he saw me, he attempted to quiet his cries. I shook my head as a sad smile crossed my face. "You don't have to stop crying just because I'm here. I promise, I wouldn't tell anybody about it. If it hurts, cry. My mother always told me that real men aren't afraid of showing their pain; stupid men are," I said as I walked past him, grabbing our bags.

"Fancy staying at mine for the holidays?" I looked down at his hopeful face," My dad was killed a while back, so its just me & mum, but..." I trailed off, my voice beginning to get thick with unshed tears that I continued to fight back, staying strong for him.

He closed his eyes again and shook his head. "I..I don't care. I've got nothing back in home to hold me. I'll stay here; no one will know." I stared down at his sweating, pallid face before agreeing to help him. Keeping his eyes closed, a thankful smile flitted across his face. My breath hitched at the sight; never had I seen a more perfect picture.

"We're going to have to get a move on if we want to make the train, okay? I have to get you walking alright, we'll worry about clothes when we get there, dar-" I quickly stopped myself, shocked at what I had almost said. He was not my darling, so I had no right to call him that. He did not seem to notice my slip, as he leaned slightly off the bookcase. I slid one arm behind him, to hold him up, before slinging both bags over my shoulder and packing up his books. As I worked, I noticed how his breathing became more ragged.

𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now