Chapter 1

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Running From Lions

In a romantic fashion

I will experiment with my fear right before her eyes

And every smile that's unveiled will be

Soaked in my nervous charm

3rd person p.o.v.

A thin strip of sun peered cautiously through the clouds above the horizon, colouring the world in soft, yellowed pastels. Above the treetops a gradient of pink and orange, with the slightest tint of green in the middle of the warm colours and the blue, stretched towards the zenith of the sky.

The view from the astronomy tower stretched across the expanse of the hillside as dawn broke over the ancient building, it's inhabitants asleep, save for one: Cedric Diggory. His sleep had been limited since the 3rd task had ended, his unconsciousness plagued with nightmares of the graveyard, forcing him to be perpetually tired but fearing the release of sleep.

"Diggory?" a voice questioned from behind, "Are you alright?"

Cedric sighed, closing his eyes wearily as he shifted his weight from the balustrade to turn and face the intruder.

"You shouldn't be out of bed, Malfoy", he muttered before turning away again, his eyelids feeling instantly heaving as the sun swept across his face. As the warmth faded again, he peered up, seeing the sun shrouded by clouds. Frowning, he turned, only to be greeted by the sight of Malfoy still stood on the staircase, seemingly absorbed in something.

"S-Sorry", he stuttered, looking down to avoid the older boys gaze. Cedric caught glimpse of the blush that crept onto Draco's face, contrasting boldly with his pale skin and platinum hair.

"Now, I believe it's my turn to ask, is everything alright?" Cedric replied, a smug grin turning up the edges of his lips as he neared the boy, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Draco shrank back from his touch, almost as if the older boy's hand had burnt him, before hastily looking up and regretting his previous actions.

"I shouldn't be here, I have to go", he answered; turning away and trying to flee from the tower, but failing to do so, pausing only a few steps down to look back, feeling the hufflepuff's eyes on him.

"Wait!" Cedric called, reaching towards the boy but falling short, allowing his hand to drop to his side once again as he balanced himself, leaning over the spiral staircase carelessly. "Why did you come here?" he asked, cocking his head to the side in order to gauge the reaction of the so called 'slytherin god', whom was failing to live up to this title.

Draco tore his gaze away again, concentrating on each footfall as his practically flew down the stairs, vainly trying to ignore the confusion and concern he heard in the voice of the Hufflepuff as he called after him.

Draco's p.o.v.

Cedric was an athlete. I had known this from the first time I saw him. He was muscular in a subtle way that most people would underestimate in sports and in fights. He was taller than myself, but only by a little bit, probably somewhere around 6'1 or 6'2. Most of all, he carried the attitude of a winner around with him. He was confident, not cocky, and he was always optimistic.

The moment in the astronomy tower was the exact same. I had wanted to tell Cedric that there was a possibility that I might just like him more than a friend, but I wasn't exactly sure how to strike up that particular conversation. Where would I mention it?

"Hey Cedric, your form's great. I think I'm in love with you."

Or perhaps before quidditch?

"Hey, Cedric, wanna pass the soap? When you look at me and smile, I feel like I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

"Hey, Cedric, I don't know if you knew this, but you're really hot."

"Hey, Cedric, Madame Hooch said we should wrestle each other today so we get used to contact. Wanna do it in the shower?"

That just wasn't something you could tell someone nonchalantly. Definitely not a player like Cedric Diggory.

When I had walked up to the tower that night, I had no intention of meeting Cedric, let alone telling him of my revelation. It seemed everywhere I turned, he was there. Laughing, enjoying his freedom, ignoring others. Like myself. Yet he failed to notice me.

Looking up from the fire in the slytherin common room, I was greeted by non other than Blaise Zabini, bounding over to me with most-likely another of his distorted tales.

"What the hell, Draco?" Blaise yelled, glaring at him from the couch next to him. "We've got a quidditch match today, have you forgotten? You've been out all night!"

"Shut up, Blaise," I said through clenched teeth, failing to refrain from laughing at his hair-brained antics and over passionate tendencies.

"Draco, I swear to God, if you don't stop fucking laughing, I'll beat your ass," he warned.

I snorted. "I'd like to see you try, ass wipe."

"I'll fucking kill you", Blaise muttered. "And you won't even see it coming."

"I bumped into Diggory on the astronomy tower, that's all", I finished, staring into the fire once more.

"You spoke to Cedric Diggory?" Blaise asked in disgust. "God, he's such a homo."

"Shut up, Zabini," I growled, hating what he said but praying he was too dumb to take note of my reaction.

Blaise chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, bro. You know he is."

"He scores more girls in a week than you do in a year. He's a better player than you, and that's all that counts," I ground out.

"Come on, bro, lets get this show on the road! Time to kick some badger ass!" Blaise exclaimed, attracting attention from others in the common room, some cheering about the upcoming came between Slytherin and Hufflepuff which was mere hours away.

I sighed and sat up, scratching his stomach and yawning. Today was the big day. I didn't feel overly nervous, which was good. It was only seven in the morning after all. Standing, I quietly followed Blaise out of the common room, heading towards the great hall with hope of avoiding the golden boy, even for a few minutes.

Then I'll say "Is everything alright? There's been a few things I've been meaning To let go of tonight" And she will say "Everything's just fine So you can put an end to your worrying mind" And then our lips will collide

𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now