•Chapter 32•

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Sure enough, the small book sitting in Horror's palm was what they were looking for. "this... is it," the giant skeleton assured them. "i remember."

"that's a first," Dust mumbled. Horror looked down, eyelight wobbling.

"Dust," Nightmare warned. He turned to Horror. "Good work, Horror."

"are we going to say anything?" Killer asked. "if this really has instructions to guarding an entire void, do those star bastards really deserve it?"

"It doesn't matter, they will know either way," Nightmare took the book from Horror and opened it. A devilish smile appeared on his skull. "However, that doesn't mean we cannot take a peek."

"heh, you got it, boss."


Dream just knew his brother had the book.

Well, it was more of a restless feeling, only surfacing in his conscience when an hour of searching passed. The thing about Nightmare was that, in his infinite badness, he never left anything half-done.

And it was quite the redeeming quality, which led Dream to believe that his brother had already found the book and was flipping through it that very second.

"DREAM?" Blu's voice interrupted his musings. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"

Dream blinked, realizing that he spaced out. "O-Oh, sorry, Blue. I was thinking."

"heh, me too," Sans said from the other end of the kitchen. "nightmare has the book."

Dream blanched. Was he that easy to read? "Uh, that isn't set in stone-"

"but we're all thinkin' it."

He had a point.

"I CAN'T SPEAK FOR RED, BUT..." Blue looked embarrassed, like he was scolding himself for thinking the imminent truth. "I BELIEVE SANS IS RIGHT."

Ink, who'd been in the living room with Red, pocked his skull into the kitchen. "oh, are we talking about how nightmare inevitably had the book?"

"all of ya are frickin' pussies," came Red's voice from the living room. "let's jus' go up there already."


Red rolled his eyelights. "Of who's? Hers or theirs?"


"hey, it isn't if we knock," Sans pointed out. "plus, i doubt (y/n) had any skeletons in her closet."

"...DID YOU JUST MAKE A PUN?!" Blue looked incensed. "WHY AM I THE ONLY MATURE ONE HERE?!"

Rude, Dream thought. He wasn't actually mad, everyone was a bit high-strung, even Blue.

"jeez, blue," Ink chuckled. "you're really ribbing us here."

A primal screech left Blue's throat. "OH MY STARS!!"

Sans chuckled and Red's laughter could be heard from the other room.

Suddenly, the atmosphere darkened.

"You all were right," and there was Nightmare, flanked by Dust and Killer. Horror was nowhere to be seen, which was rather concerning, but everyone was more focused on the book in Nightmare's hand. "I do have the book."

...Dream had a feeling this wouldn't end well. One thing he appreciated about you was your ability to get along with almost anyone, even the notorious 'Bad Sanses'.

Not even his brother was spared. In fact, Dream suspected Nightmare liked you (most Sanses, including him, had some sort of thing for you). It wasn't the craziest revelation he'd had regarding the goopy skeleton.

The silence was awkward.

"Though it doubles as a cookbook," A what? "There are instructions on, and I quote: "how to be a guardian - with pictures!""

The absurdity of the title was enough to break the terse air. Ink snorted. "that's actually what is says??"

"I would not lie," Nightmare said, deadpanning. "Though it is rather interesting."

Dream stifled a chuckle. That was so you.


...He missed you already.


After reviewing the instructions in the book, it was decided that Error would be in charge of the neutral-void. All but Ink breathed a sigh of relief when the glitchy skeleton was chosen.

"aw, that isn't fair! i'd be a better guardian than him," Ink whined half-heartedly.

Error rolled his mismatched eyelights. "s-s-s-s-sUck !t, y@ b!g b@By."

Ink whined louder. "errrrrror."

"Shut your mandible," Nightmare interrupted. "We don't have time for your incessant whining."

"ugh, fine," Ink huffed, eyelights changing to dark blue and green.

Same old, same old.


I had fun writing this chapter, but all this heavy stuff is making me really tired (-_-;). 

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