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Tamera Mowry Housley

"Can I have a kiss?" I turned to my husband who gladly said yes, he kissed me and I laughed the whole time.

I laid down on the couch and he was behind me with his head on my stomach. "Let's watch a movie." I told him.

"Okay," he grabbed the remote flipping through everything, "Wanna watch Throwback holiday?" He stopped on it and I shrugged.

He played it and we just silently watched it, "Y'all always wanna be under each other,"

I looked up to see Tia and Cory coming in, they plopped down on the littler couch mugging us. "And y'all always loud." I responded

"Touché." She laughed.

We watched the movie in silence before Adam started whispering in my ear, "I'm tired," I pushed him back.

"Stop babe I'm trying to watch," I whined when he kept doing it. He got on top of me and I laughed as he tickled me.

"Move Housley." I tried to push him off but then he kissed me, I totally forgot Cory and Tia were there because we were full on making out.

Just when I was about to unbutton his jeans I heard a loud cough. We both pull away and saw Cory and Tia looking at us with faces.

"I forgot they were here." Adam said and I nodded agreeing, "Y'all nasty." Cory said as him and Tia got up.

"Have y'all ever did it on that couch." She pointed to the one they were previously sitting on.

"Tia we had sex in the bed you sleep in," she fake gagged, " Just nasty." I laughed as she stormed out behind Cory.

"Finally let's finish the movie now." I skipped back to when Adam and I started our plan to get them out then unpaused it.

We laid back in the position we were in before they interrupted us and continued watching our movie.

Tia Mowry Hardrict

"I wanted to post this tiktok," I showed Cory, "No post the on you did with the pink on, I like that one." I looked up at him.

He was sitting up on the bed and I was laying on his legs, "Oh you like this one, " I smirked and he nodded.

He pulled me in for a kiss, we kissed for a minute before I pulled away. "Did you still want to go to the store?"

I nodded, "Tamera said she was going to take me, I can go see if their done with their movie." He nodded.

I stood up making my way to the room they were in but I stopped when I heard my name.

"You don't feel like that do you?" I heard Tamera ask Adam, "Feel like what?" He responded.

"Like Cory and Tia are a burden?" Wow we're burdens to them?

I turned around not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation, I walked back to the guest room with a smug face.

"What's happened Tia?" He noticed my face and I shrugged, "We're gonna leave today, so I'm just gonna need you to pack."

"What happened, I thought we were staying for the month? Do you have to film or something?" I shook my head.

"We've only been here for 4 days." I didn't respond again and this time he didn't either.

He just got up and started getting his clothes out the drawers, "I'm going to go get Cory and Cairo packed up."

I was done packing for myself considering all my things were folded so all I had to do was put them in the suitcase.

Plus Tamera has a washer and dryer so I've been just washing our clothes when they're dirty.

I left out of the room going upstairs where Aden and Ariah's rooms were. I saw Cairo first, "Cai Cai come on." I told her.

She turned to me "Huh mommy?" She asked and I picked her up, "We're leaving!" I announced to her and Ariah.

"Why?" Riri ran over to me and I felt bad looking at her teary eyes, "I have to work but we'll be back soon." I told the both of them.

Ariah nodded going over to her toys and starting to clean up, Cairo laid her head on my shoulder.

I knew she understood and she was going to cry because she would've jumped down and ignored me if she didn't understand.

Then I went over to Aden's room, "Cree baby we're leaving, I have to work." I lied to him just as I did the girls.

He didn't say anything he just helped Aden get his toys up and then came out with Cairo and I.

Cree and I packed the clothes as Cairo slept then we made our way downstairs past Adam and Tamera doing something weird and to the guest room.

"Are you ready babe?" I asked Cory and he nodded grabbing Cairo from my arms, she was still sleeping whenever she cried she slept.

"Why are we leaving?" Cory asked again, I looked over to see Cree trying to get his ipad in his suitcase.

I looked over at Cory , "They said we're a burden on them." I admitted and his face immediately went mad.

"Don't worry about it we're leaving for a reason."

Cree grabbed his own suitcase and I grabbed Cory's and I.

We all walked out of the room and past Adam and Tamera until Cree decided to say something, "Bye auntie Tamera and uncle Adam!" He said.

Then they noticed us, I smacked my lips turning to give Cree that 'Momma face', he turned the other way because that face frightened him.

"Where are you guys going?" Tamera asked coming over to me, "We're gonna go home tomorrow, just checking into a hotel for our last night."

"I thought you guys were staying for a month," she pouted and I scoffed, "We don't want to be too much of a burden on you guys."

I was about to open the door when Tamera stopped me, "What're you talking about? Ya'll aren't a burden on us."

"We love having y'all here and the kids do too!" Adam chimed in, "Oh really Tamera?" She nodded.

"Well if I remember correctly when I came in here earlier I heard you two saying we were a burden on you so we'll leave gladly."

Tamera face was confused for a second then she rolled her eyes as if she remembered something.

"Tia maybe if you would've stopped for two seconds to listen to the conversation you'd hear it." I mugged her hard

"We went live for our supporters and they asked us how long were you staying and we told them a month."

"Then they proceeded to say you were going to be a burden. I said that you guys aren't a burden and we love you."

"I asked Adam does he feel like that and he said he didn't maybe you didn't stay for that part. However I'm tired of being the only one trying to fix this relationship. I'm so sick and tired of the stubbornness and the shots and the unfollowing, the blocking all of it I'm tired-

Before she could finish she cut herself off by sending Cree to Aden's and he left with quickness.

"If you want to keep being a petty bitch to me then so be it Tia, I'm done trying for this relationship when you obviously could careless. If you want to continue to act an ass to you TWIN SISTER, then do that. You're 43 years old and can't communicate when you have an issue. If you want to leave then leave, bye."

He face was so red she looked like a tomato, I was about to say something but she walked away.

"I'm so confused." Adam said, he then walked away going to comfort his wife. "So are we leaving or-" I shook my head.

"If we leave then this is not going to get resolved until Tamera feels like we need to fix it. I need to fix this now!"

He nodded, "I'm going to lay her sleepy ass down." I nodded then he walked upstairs and I walked to the room.

"What a fucking day."

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