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Tia Mowry Hardrict. Late Posted.

I felt kisses down my neck and breast as I slept peacefully, I begin to smile in my sleep knowing it was Cory

"Mhm stop Pooch" wtf , my eyes opened so fast and I got up quickly , "morning babe" i tried to kiss Cory but he backed up

"What'd you call me" he asked and I acted as if I didn't hear 'Pooch' slip through my lips . "what are you talking about Cory" I asked

"No you said Pooch , to stop playing yourself . You look stupid" he sighed getting out of bed , "Tia you know what , i can't even look at you" he said

"I'm gonna head out I'll see you ona few" he said making me sigh biting my lip holding back my tears . I got up and got dressed in casual clothes

"Oh crap it's 2:30" i grabbed my phone slipping on my shoes , I went into the front seeing Cree and Cairo eating chips and watching teen Titans go

"Hey get off the couch eating" I said and they quickly go out , "where you going mom" Cree asked me

"WE are going to your auntie Tamera's house for uncle tahj's birthday


We hopped in the car and I drove off to Tamera's home , "RiRi?" Cairo asked me and I nodded "yes Cai we see ariah and Aden"

We pulled up to her house and I parked in her driveway seeing other cars parked on the block .

"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY TAHJJJJ WAHJYYYY" I walked in singing , "thanks sis" he came to hug me .

I sat down next to Tamera as the kids went to play and i watched the adults socialize . "Hey what's the matter"Tam leaned over to me

"Nothing" I fake smiled and she gave me that "girl please" look . "Okay fine Cory and I got in- right before I finished Cory walked in

I noticed someone behind him and it was his sister who I hadn't seen in years . She looked at me and I stood up

She immediately ran to me and I hugged her tightly , "CARA" I screamed . " I have seen you since you were like 10" I smiled

"I have seen you since you were like 30 " she joked , "look your all grown up" I said , she was 21 years old

"So how's school and everything," I asked her , "she dropped out" Cory chimed in sitting next to Tam instead of me

"Oh hey Tamera" cara went over to hug her and Tam hugged her but pulled away quickly "don't change the subject why'd you drop out car" tam asked

"It was too stressful, I couldn't handle it" she sighed , "yea right" Cory mumbled "babe let her talk" I spoke instantly regretting it

"Don't babe me , go babe Po- anyways it's fine you don't have to go back but I'm telling you have a degree is much better than not having one , you know I wanted to drop out to but how would I know if acting was gonna work for me . You should go back babes , I'm not pressuring you just consider it" I cut him off

"Okay thanks Tia , where's the kiddos" she asked and I pointed to the playroom Aden and Ariah shared 

She went back there with all the kids

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