Chapter Three

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During the month, Serenity and Vali bonded a lot. They were pretty much best friends. Vali sighed as he got up from Azazel's couch. Serenity was whimpering in her sleep. He crawled onto the futon and slid under the comforter. Serenity gripped onto his shirt and calmed down a little. Azazel came in and sighed in relief. "Thanks, Vali." The silver haired hybrid nodded and pulled her close. He buried his head in her small chest. "I just called Mrs. Hyoudou and she said Serenity could stay until the class trip. I'll be going over to her place and getting her cats and dog." Vali nodded and fell asleep. He'd already moved back into Azazel's, and his teammates would be moving into Hyoudou's place. He still was confused about how Serenity knew Issei. He shook his head and fell asleep.


Vali woke up to something laying at his feet. He saw a doberman at the end and noticed two cats at the top of the bed. Serenity woke up to a cold breeze and yawned and stretched. "The white cat's name is Albion. The other one is Ddraig." Vali smiled. The dragon was grumbling about a cat being named after him. Vali's eyes widened when he realized how fluffy the cat was. It stretched and hissed at Ddraig and moved to curl up in Vali's lap. "Huh, Albion doesn't like anyone besides me."

"I see you two are awake." Azazel said. He was drinking coffee and had another cup of hot cocoa. He handed it to Serenity, who took a sip. Vali watched as Azazel petted Ddraig and sat down. The said cat jumped in his lap. There was a whine, and Serenity looked at her doberman.

"Now, now Cerberus. Let's take you out back so you can go potty and play." Azazel had moved into a house so he could house both Serenity and Vali. Serenity took the dog out.

"Albion isn't too happy to have a cat named after him." Vali said. " But I see why she named him Albion. When I first saw the cat, I thought of Albion." The dragon shook his head and ignored his host. Ddraig had told Albion that Issei was ignoring Serenity. Albion sighed and decided to keep the fact that Serenity was Issei's sister to himself.

"Alright, Cerberus is outside." Serenity said. "C'mon on Vali, we need to get dressed."


"Hello, I'm Vali Cifer. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Vali bowed.

"Cifer sits in the empty seat." Vali sat in front of Serenity. Azazel started class, and Serenity helped Vali with things he didn't understand. Azazel came to check on them when Serenity was confused about a question. He explained it to them, and Serenity nodded.

"Gyms next." Serenity whispered. "Azazel got us to have the same classes." Serenity said.

"So I get to see you in the gym uniform?" Vali whispered flirtatiously.

"Stop that." Serenity blushed.

"You're quite cute when you blush." Vali had started to fall in love with the girl. He could tell that she was head over heels for him, too. He just needed to find a perfect time to confess and to tell her that she was his mate. The bell rang, and Serenity jumped. Vali and her went to the locker rooms, and Serenity noticed Issei glaring at Vali. She shrugged her shoulders and went into the girls' locker room. She came out, and Vali blushed. She frowned when he noticed him checking out her ass.

"Eyes up jackass." A voice said. Serenity noticed Issei walking towards her. "My sister is off limits." Vali's eyes widened.

"She's your sister?!" Bikou, Kuroka, and Vali yelled.

"Adopted, Sister." Serenity counteracted. "And besides, you can't tell me who I can and can't hang out with." Serenity snapped at her brother. "If anyone's a jackass it's you." Serenity stormed off, and Vali rushed after her. He gripped her wrist.

"Hyoudou's your brother?"

"Adopted. Besides now he fucking notices me." Serenity then explained to Vali about how Issei ignored her and how she didn't want to tell Vali that she was his sister because she wanted him to be her friend for her. The girl was now holding back tears because she was scared their relationship was going to change. Serenity tripped over a big rock and cried out in pain.

"Cifer take her to the nurse's office." Vali picked her up and carried her past Issei who was shaking in rage. Asia was trying to calm him down.


"You hate me now don't you?" Serenity said. Vali looked up and kissed her. Serenity's eyes widened.

"I don't hate you. I'm the white dragon emperor." Vali confessed. Serenity's eyes widened. "I care about you because of you, not Issei. He's just a bigger obstacle."

"Obstacle for what?" Serenity said.

"To make you mine." Vali said. He kissed her again and Serenity kissed back. "I hate that I love you. But I wouldn't have any other way." Vali said. Serenity started to cry and Vali hugged her. Azazel was outside the door and smiled. He has a feeling that Serenity was special to Vali.


Issei and The Occult Research Club were out on a trip. Serenity was back at her house. When they came back Issei was sick. Serenity was moved back to Azazel's house and Vali explained to her how Issei lost control of his juggernaut drive. He was leaving the school now that he had found what he called for. Serenity sighed sadly and thanked Vali for saving her brother. He kissed her and they made out. Azazel had interrupted them.

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