Chapter 34

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It had only been a few days and Mae was already feeling the loss of Opie. Before she liked the distance while her mind was in such shambles but knowing he was at home, so close but so far, and wouldn't be calling or stopping by broke her heart. Waking up from an Oxy induced nap, the best sleeps she could get without him, Mae heard a car in her driveway.

"Shoot." She hissed trying to look somewhat presentable in the short time she knew it would take the visitor to get to the door. "I'm such a mess."

There it was, the knock at the door, and Mae scurried over to check the peephole. Opening the door she saw Tara smiling sadly at her. "Sorry."

"Checking up on me?" Mae asked, stepping to the side, and invited Tara in.

"Actually, yes and no."

They sat at the dining room table and Mae waited for Tara to start as she poured some cream in her coffee.

"I would like to know how you're doing but I'm here for more than that."

Mae nodded at the strange question and sipped her drink. "Well, I'm okay. I've been back to work, full time, but the office is closed today." Peppy, she smiled and really tried to sell it. "I'm excited to get back into just living. That therapist you told me about is really great, thank you."

"That's great." Doing a complete turn around, Tara was suddenly beaming. "I know you and Ope are in a bit of a weird spot."

"We're not." Mae assured her. "I love him, we're together, I just needed to clear my head. Set straight what I perceive from what's reality. We're good. Wait, did he say we're not?"

Swallowing the sip she'd just taken, Tara waved her hands adamantly. "Oh no, I just knew there was a time frame that had been mentioned. Opie is why I'm here though, he and the guys were arrested, I mean he literally left here the other day and was immediately taken in."

Mae let out a tiny whimper and covered her face. "Why? What happened?" Her heart was instantly shattered picturing her Opie in jail. Mae knew how terrible Chino was for him, it left an indelible mark, and he suffered greatly. He'd been open about never wanting to do that again and she was sure he was scared. "My poor Opie."

"We don't even know the whole story yet."

"Is he just in Charming PD lockup?"

Regretfully, Tara shook her head. "They were, and that's why I'm here. Originally they didn't think it would be anything big, Opie didn't want you to worry, but when they were transferred to San Joaquin County Jail so I had to come by."

"Thank you." Mae was already on her feet grabbing her purse. "I want to go see him." She had to, Mae had to be sure he was okay and tell him how much she loved him. This news changed everything.

"Actually," Tara stood and stilled her. "Since it's going to be a while, Opie asked if you'd watch over Kenny and Ellie. I know it's a big thing, he knows too, but I can't with work and my boys and Neeta can't take them twenty four seven, you know?"

"I've only met them a few times."

"You're the only one he trusts, Mae. We know you have a lot going on and he hates even having to ask. If you feel you can't, between me, Gemma and Neeta, we can make it work."

Mae shook her head. "No. They need stability, especially after Donna. Being bounced around isn't good for them. I can do it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I got it. I just need you to watch them while I go up there. I have to see him, Tara."

"Of course. Go see him. He'll be thrilled. When you're done and ready they're at my house. Maybe we can all have dinner to ease the transition?"

"Sure." Mae didn't care about makeup, she was checking her wallet for proper ID and searching for a less revealing top. "Thank you for telling me."

"Oh of course. You deserve to know."

"How did you talk to him? If he's locked up, I mean."

"Jax. They managed to get a burner and reach out to Clay so he knew their situation inside. He passed the message along."

Tara and Mae hugged before she raced around trying to change and get out of the house as soon as possible.


Sunday shortie!! They'll be one more to finish this up before I start the sequel on Tuesday! Votes and comments are always appreciated!! Xoxo Thanks!

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