Chapter 25

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Pre-holiday shortie! Happy Easter to those who celebrate! Xoxo


"Jesus Christ."

Unser received the call from the the motel manager on duty and what he arrived to see was horrifying. He covered his mouth as he stepped into the room where Opie cried over Mae's body. He had covered her with a sheet and cradled her head in his hands.

"She's alive," he sputtered. "Help her, please. She's still alive."

"Alright son, an ambulance is already on its way but Opie, I need you to back away."

"I killed him." Opie was detached. His voice was low and distant, his eyes glazed over as he gently laid Mae's head back on the pillow.

That was Unser's first thought. It was never really a question. "Alright, Opie, I need you to come with me. The sooner we process you the sooner I can try to get you out."

As the ambulance arrived, Opie nodded and stumbled from the bed. "Yeah, alright."


When Tara stepped into the waiting area Jax, Chibs and Happy conferring quietly. News of Opie's arrest hit them all hard and a cloud of concern darkened them all. Without any doubt they all knew Mae would have been dead had Opie not ditched the check point Jude had manipulated. Once they cleared the cops they headed straight back to the clubhouse where they were filled in then half went to Saint Thomas.

"Jesus, Jax, what the hell happened?"

Jax hated the accusatory tone Tara used. "We got fucking played. Prospect said when we left Mae went out for a smoke, he ended up with a taser in the back of his neck and she got snatched. I gotta talk to Unser and Mae for the rest. How is she?"

Sighing heavily she began walking down the hall. "Bad. She's in surgery now to fix some breaks, she'll probably have a metal plate in her cheek." With a gentle touch, Tara showed Jax where on his bearded cheek. "Broken nose, dislocated jaw, stitches everywhere." They stopped at the end of the hall and Tara moved into the corner. "She was raped, repeatedly, violently."

"Jesus Christ." Jax's face hung, his eyes were rimmed red and teary as he took in the news. He knew it would crush Opie and that was hard enough but he had no idea how damaging it could be to Mae. "The guy is dead, he was beaten and strangled. He was pronounced here for paperwork but he was DOA. I'm assuming that was Opie."

"Yeah, Unser took him in."

That was the biggest concern; Opie catching a murder charge. Jax, Chibs and Happy were really only at the hospital for Opie because at that moment he couldn't.

"How is that going to go?"

Jax shook his head. "I have no idea. If they charge him it could be manslaughter at best or a lot worse. He could use self defense or insanity. I mean, he's got options but I'm not sure how the DA is gonna feel."

"I hate this."

"I know." He hung his arms over her shoulders and leaned his forehead against hers. "It'll shake out. It's gotta. What Ope did needed to happen. We'll clear him and this kind of shit won't happen again. You don't have to worry about anything."

"I'm always worrying."


"Can you just tell me how she is?" He pleaded with Unser. "I can't think about anything until you tell me."

Unser sat and gave Opie a coffee and a few cigarettes. "She's in surgery, expected to make a full recovery...eventually."

"Eventually." He dropped his head. "I killed him. He took Mae, I found them and I killed him. He's been stalking her for months, harassing her, threatening her. I just fucking lost it."

Seeing how distraught Opie was Unser took pity on him. "I can slip Jax in tonight. He's at Saint Thomas now but he's coming by for an update."

"Thank you."

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