Pit and Dark Pit dating headcanons

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I've noticed a lot of people have crushes on these two, so enjoy some little dating headcanons I made for them lmao- their all fluff. Because of course I made it fluff.


You met Pit in a town once, he was running a errand for a goddess or something. And you two hit it off right away. 

He isn't afraid to speak up if he's ever worried, especially when it's about you. He tries his hardest to not offend you or upset you, though sometimes this leads to him being too uptight. You've had to tell him it's okay for him to not worry about this more than a few times. 

If he ever sees you upset or hurt he instantly rushes over to you, he's very good at comforting. You scraped your knee once while fooling around with him, he didn't stop fussing for the whole day about it. 

He's easily flustered, even a kiss on the cheek can leave him as red as tomato. 

Pit likes to show affection pyshically, he's constantly glued to your side. You two usually hang out in busy town squares.

He tries his best with gifts, though sometimes he doesn't have a clue what you want and will buy you something random. Though he prefers to get you cutesy items or candy. 

Palutena likes to tease you two about being in a relationship, though she couldn't be happier for you two.

He's the best at hugs. 

You're the only person besides Palutena allowed to touch his wings. 

He tried to watch a horror movie with you once, he couldn't sit through it. So you ended up watching a Disney movie instead.

Pit tries to pick up certain hobbies you have, to varying degrees of success.

Mario party and Mario kart is two things you two play all the time together!

Dark Pit

You met Dark Pit while hanging out with his Twin Pit, it took a long while but you two soon begun to get along.

He's very reserved with his emotions and worries, he won't often bring it up to you. Though sometimes he'll open up, and you'll be there for him. 

When first dating Dark Pit, you realized it was definitely gonna be a task. As Dark Pit, isn't really a romantic guy. He prefers to show affection through simple things, like hand holding.

It took several months for him to completely open up to you, even still he remains a bit quiet about his feelings. 

He enjoys picking out gifts for you sometimes, he occasionally will ask a random question about something you like and try his best to find something related to it. 

You two often take long walks through the forest as Dark Pit doesn't like being emotional in places with tons of people. 

Dark Pit tries to show off to impress you, most of the time his attempts fail.

Absolutely will sit there and listen to you rant about anything for hours in silence. 

You two spend a lot of time watching horror movies.

He tries to research the topics you're into to surprise you with fun little facts.

You two share a animal crossing island.

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