Chap 1

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I wrote this after reading a bunch of other vampire fan fiction,  I thought it was time to make my own.

As always I don't own the Dream Smp, or the content creator, all the rights go to the respectful people. If any of them say they don't like this type of thing I will take this down.

I will not have a set schedule for uploading, but I will try to upload a bit usually.


Wilbur's pov

It's almost 8 p.m., and yet here I am being sent to the store for milk. We just got milk, I can feel Phil trying to calm my anger through the bond and Techno's smugness.

How rude...

As I walk I start humming a song I heard a few days ago, before something completely stops me in my tracks.

Blood. A lot of blood.

Curious, I walk towards the alley I smell it from.

Anger is all I feel.

The other sides of the bond send confusion, but I ignore it as I stalk into the alleyway.

There I see a blond-haired person covered in blood sitting against the wall. Stepping closer I see it's a he and more importantly a child.

Panic set in as I bent down in front of him, his eyes open to show blue eyes precisely like Dad's eyes, before slipping shut again.

As soft as I possibly can, I pull him onto my lap where his head falls back onto my shoulder, good that exposes his neck to me. Letting my fangs snap down I quickly bite his neck, letting the vampire venom slip into him.

After a few minutes, I feel a bond opening up, and I know I just claimed my fledgling, my changeling, my baby. I feel the bond, and I know Dad and Techno felt it too at the confused emotions coming through.

When I pull my fangs from his neck, his eyes open again.

"Easy, little one, it's going to be okay your safe now. Here drink, it will help the pain a bit." I softly say into the baby's ear. After biting my own wrist, his fangs are too small now, I hold my arm to his mouth. Nudging his lip he latches on drinking my blood and letting the bond form more.

I decided "Screw the store, my baby is more important." He stands and takes the tiny one home hoping the rest of the coven will accept him.

Tommy's POV

No No No please No.

I beg to the locked door of the dark room that Dream locked me into.

I'm going to die this time. He's not coming back for me.

Curling up in the corner of the cold dark room, I let the tears fall.

< Sometime later>

The door unlocks and opens, Dream enters looking at me.

"Are you going to be good?" He asks in a monotone voice. I quickly nod and say, "Yes Dream, I'll be good for you."

He nods and motions for me to follow him. I am quick to my feet to follow.

As we walk, I start to feel nervous noticing how Dream looks back every few minutes.

He leads us to an alleyway, one I don't recognize as being in Dream's territory. Why would he bring us here? It would be better not to ask, he might get angry.

" I bet you want to know why we're here," he asks, so I nod softly.

Suddenly his eyes bleed red and he jumped at me, Upon being in reach he attacked.

I cry out as he bites my neck, I feel him drinking my blood, but Dream never stops.

Am I going to die?

He finally stops, and my eyes shut.

Suddenly there's a gasp, and gentle hands touch my face.

Forcing my eyes open, I see a brunette man with soft eyes looking at me before my eyes close again.

I hear more than feel when he sits and pulls my broken body into his arms, and softly nudges my head to the side.

Is he gonna finish me off, I don't want to die.

When he bites, something else happens though.

I don't know what.

A soft voice speaks into my ear, "Easy, little one, it's going to be okay your safe now. Here drink, it will help the pain a bit."

Something nudges my lip and I carefully latch onto it.

The bitter copper taste of blood hits my tongue, why do I like it?

Drinking more, it calms everything down.

I softly whine when he pulls away and scoops me into his arms.

"This is warm." My last thought before falling asleep.


That's all for chapter one, if you like it leave a heart, maybe a comment or a follow. If there is anything you would want to see happen let me know and I might add it to the story.

Have a good one!


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