Chapter 1

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Ask no questions and you'll get no lies.
Turn the cheek and blind the eye.
Let it go.
Bend the knee and give away your life.
Bite your tongue and close your mind.
Never know.
'Cause you got hell to pay, but you already sold your soul
It's blasphemy, but the words don't make sense no more.
'What would your mother say?'
Your faith that you ignored.
So don't try and tell me that you still belive, no, don't preach to me.

Brazen stood there as his parents attacked his little brother Finn. He just watched in fascination as cuts and bruises were left across his usually flawless skin.

Their family used to be perfect, in his eyes, their father wasn't always bad. He once believed in love and happiness, but he took a turn for the worst when their mother got ill. He started to abuse them, mostly her.

"You're pathetic! Can't even defend yourself!"



"Shut up! He doesn't care! No one cares! Just die already!"

Their father delivers one last blow to Finn's head and walks off to grab another bottle of whisky. Their mother was dead and she was the only one that stopped him from going past verbal abuse. Now, some bitch sat in her seat, while yelling insults as the man they once called their father beat them black and blue. Their half and step siblings joining in the vile treatment.
It isn't fair on Finn. I won't let them get away with this. But if I get caught- ... then Finn will take the fall for or with me. I'll be damned if I go down alone for his ass.
"Enough!" They ignored the raging 19 year old, and continue to beat a barely conscious Finn.
He storms towards them, preparing to slaughter them, he grabs the nearest sibling and throws him into the wall with enough force to cause mini cracks to appear. With no restraint on his anger, he slammed an elbow into another's face, before turning to the last sibling. Grinning like a mad man, "Run, but you can't hide from me."
The sibling doesn't take the warning, a harsh left hook is delivered to his face, easily breaking his nose. Blood dripped down his face and he fell back, lying on the floor in agony. The one who was thrown into the wall charges at Brazen, only he shifts out of the way at the last second and sticks his leg out, causing the brute to fly face first into a wall. The one who had an elbow to the face ran upstairs, in to the closet as he was the youngest (and couldn't fight), besides Finn.
Brazen focuses on the brother with the broken nose, he crouches on top of him quickly and wraps a hand around his face. While the other is recovering, their step mother screams for their father, which triggers Brazen to completely fade away. An overwhelming feeling of hate bubbles up in his gut. Grunting slighly with the effort, he slams the younger brothers head into the cement floor mercilessly. He doesn't realise the kid is dead until his father grabs him around the throat and slams him onto his back.
Finn slowly comes to, "ugh, my head.... B- Brazen?" He slowly rises as Brazen finally looks at him,
"GO! Finn, you have to go. I'm off my meds. It isn't safe for you. It isn't safe for anyone."
Finn give a hesitant nod as he thinks it over before rushing to take cover. He knows how Brazen gets when he misses a round of his meds.
Once his brother was gone his father looks at him, tauntingly speaking, "What? You've stopped the meds, ay? Well, let's see just what you are capable of, Son." He spits son as if it's a curse. To be honest, it probably is... in his case anyway.
Brazen slips even more, the overwhelming hate taking over, "oh yeah, old man? Do. Your. Worst."

"Oh, don't worry. I intend to."

That was the last thing that was said before a hot pink stiletto landed harshly across Brazen's face, who in return laughs mockingly as he looks up to see his stepmother, "You really, really shouldn't have done that."
His head flies up to meet his father's before a fist can be brought to his face. He laughs at the amount of blood on the men in the area. Five abusers. One is already dead.

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