Finnick turned around to see the light slowly entering the room. With a sigh, he looked back at her. "Yep, that's my cue to leave. See you later, Princess." He commented with a snicker. Softly, he kissed her forehead before going to his room.

The following day, Dove chatted with Johanna as they waited for their tributes to appear all dressed up, which would take a long time. A few metres away from them, Haymitch and Finnick conversed lively, both of their Capitol characters showing immensely. Although Haymitch's attitude wasn't too faked, since he drank until he passed out, a thing that didn't seem likely that year. He appeared to be holding up better than other times.

"If you're going to continue looking at him with heart eyes, I swear I'll puke," Johanna commented, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she let out a mocking chuckle.

"Do it, it'll be fun to watch the news tonight," Dove replied, a grin on her face as she saw her friend fake gagging. "OK, OK, stop. I don't want anyone to scold us for acting weird. Victors should be role models. Perfect in every way." She commented, her accent changing to the Capitol's usual one.

"Having some fun over here, girls?" Ron asked, walking closer to them as he did a barely noticeable gesture with his finger in Haymitch's a Finnick's direction. Annie, who stood next to Ron, smiled the best she could for the cameras and crew around.

"Maybe, maybe not," Dove commented, clasping her hands together behind her back. "We were slandering Finnick—I mean. . ." she said loud enough for Finnick and Haymitch, who were getting closer to the group, to hear.

"I mean, we didn't badmouth him, obviously. How could we possibly criticise one of the handsomest Victors in all Panem?" Dove commented playfully as she changed to a Capitol accent again.

"It's a sin to be as handsome as I am." He replied, allowing Dove free range to start a war or let it go. And she decided to continue it. The small playful battles between them were something they usually never did while on the Capitol. However, a few tributes had already arrived, causing all the attention to go to them.

"Oh, for sure. Maybe one day some Peacekeepers will arrest you and take you to jail. But don't worry, I'm sure your sentence won't be too long. Although, I worry about Melo. They'll charge him with a life sentence." Finnick gasped, placing a hand on his chest for dramatic effect, while Ron and Haymitch looked pleased with the scene going on in front of them.

Johanna laughed loudly as she rested an arm on Dove's shoulders. Annie joined in the laughter and stood next to her friend as they faced the three men. The group, without a word, got divided into two sections. Haymitch and Ron, who backed up Finnick with a grin, and Annie and Johanna, who enjoyed Finnick's dramatic offended expression.

"I beg your pardon—" Finnick tried to say. "Beg all you want, the sentence won't be longer than a year. Well, maybe they'll reduce it to 6 months. One year might be too excessive for your handsomeness." His mouth was wide open. Out of the corner of her eye, Dove saw her district's female tribute, who was finally changed into her Parade clothes.

"If you excuse us, Annie and I should get going. We've got work to do," she said, winking an eye in his direction discretely as she held Annie's hand to guide her towards District's Four chariot.

"I'm gonna marry her someday," Finnick muttered under his breath in a dazed state, which caused Ron to cross his arms in front of his chest, glancing from his daughter to the boy.

"Good luck with that. Her illness seems to be uncontrollable. She might be dead before you put the ring on her finger," Johanna said with a bitter chuckle, keeping her arms crossed as she looked at Finnick.

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