Back To Work

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Although Isobel wanted me to continue to recover for a few more days, I insisted that I wasn't staying at home all day.
Everyone was shocked, to say the least, to watch me walk through the door on Monday morning with OA
I walked over to my desk , OA sat at his desk , I just wished that all of the eyes would stop looking at me.
I felt so subconscious.
"How do you feel?"
OA whispers
"It's weird being back."
"Welcome back Maggie."
Scola smiles.
"Thanks Scola"
I spin in my chair to see whose here
"You're too rough... stop"
I say as he goes faster.
I spin my chair as feel his breath on me.
My expression has a scared feel to it.
OA notices it and he looks at me.
"What's wrong? Are you alright?"
"I'm... I'm fine"
I turn to my computer and put a hand on my head to support it.
I go to log in but then I realise I can't remember my password
I stare at the computer for 15 minutes before I finally decide to ask Isobel if she has it.
I linger in the doorway and bite my finger.
Isobel looks up from her paperwork
"Hey Maggie... come in."
"Hi um I can't remember the password to my computer."
"That's fine.. take a seat and I'll find it for you"
I sit down and then rearrange me
"How have you been?"
"Why does everyone keep asking me that?"
"We just want to make sure that you're okay Mags"
She smiles as she puts a hand on my shoulder
Even the slightest touch makes me shiver.
Whether it's a woman's or a man's , I still shiver
She gives me it and I thank her
I log in and shiver as Elise walks by me.
Tiffany's chair squeaks and I flinch.
Jubal comes in
"We've got a case."
"Welcome back Maggie"
"Thanks Jubal"
I smile.
We all stand up and Jubal connects to the board.
"Ally Monroe, 16 was killed outside of a bar last night"
"What was she doing outside of a bar?"
I frown as I look at the picture.
"She was caught on cctv with this man"
Elise shows us the cctv footage and then she zooms in.
He looks so alike to Jack that I vomit in my mouth.
I shudder and everyone stops
"I'm fine, go ahead"
"His face is blurred and there's no matches"
Tiff sighs.
"OA and Maggie , go to her parents house"
"Tiff and Scola, go to the crime scene"
"Kirsten, review the footage"
I nod and take my coat and badge
I put my gun into it's holster.
I get in the car and OA drives.
I stare in front of me.
We drive to the lane way and then we get out.
"We have to break the news"
I sigh
OA knocks on the door and a woman answers.
"Hi, are you Mrs.Monroe?"
"Yes and who are you?
"I'm Agent Bell and this is my partner Agent Zidan, may we come in?"
She nods.
"Honey the fbi is here!"
"Mr.Monroe, I'm Agent Zidan and this is my partner Agent Bell"
"Why are you here? What's up?"
"I think you better sit down"
OA says
They sit and look at each other.
"Where's Ally and Evie?"
"She went out with a friend last night and they haven't shown up."
"I'm sorry but Ally was murdered last night"
The mother starts to bawl and then he starts to cry.
We both stand awkwardly.
I ring Jubal
"Jubal! Ally was with a friend last night, Evie"
"What was her last name?"
I question
"Evie.. um.. Evie Miller"
"Evie Miller."
"I'm having Elise run it now. Uh yeah Evie was kidnapped last night and she hasn't turned up yet. Her parents reported her missing"
"OA I need to talk you"
We go into their kitchen
"Evie was kidnapped last night and she hasn't turned up yet. Her parents reported her missing""
"She was last seen getting hauled into a white van"
I say as I show OA the footage.
He nods and then Jubal sends me a text.
"We need them to make sure that it's her and not Evie"
He sends me a picture of the body.
I sit down.
"Mr and Ms Monroe I need you to identify a body, would you be willing to?"
They both nod..
I show them and their face says it all.
"That's not her! That's Evie!!"
Everyone has shocked faces.
"Jubal, it's not ally! It's Evie!"
"Oh my god! We are all letting back at the headquarters. Bring Mr and Ms Monroe in and then we can sit them in the conference room"
We take them and they sit in the back.
I zone out.
"Maggie... mags... mag"
"Are you alright? We went around the corner kind of fast and you flinched and yelled"
"I'm fine"
I sigh as we pull up at the headquarters.
I get out and take Mr and Mrs Monroe inside as OA locks the car.
I find them a conference room and tell them that there's water and coke in the mini fridge and to call for me if they need anything.
We all meet back in the bullpen.
"Maggie please sit down..."
"What? What is it?"
"The man that took you-"
"He is alive and he took Evie and Ally"
"What!? No I saw him dead , it was him"
"It was his twin brother Jace"
"What the absolute fuck"

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