shower of tears.

92 0 0

"of what?"


"Why , I gave you everything , why don't you love me?"


I stood up.

He stood up and leaned over me



He then slapped me.


I yelled in disbelief 



"Go take a shower"

Once i got into the bathroom, i started the shower

 I stared into myself in my mirror. 

I could see how underweight I am for my age.

 You can even start to see my ribs now. To be honest, I don't know.. I try to eat but i just can't. 

I'm not even hungry anymore i just drink water and thats it. 

I hopped in the shower and start to wash myself.

I get out of the shower and stared at my naked body and my face in the mirror.

 You can see my cheek being a little bruised from the slap Jack gave me.

I came back with a towel wrapped around my body.

"Ahah , no towel!"


"Can you get me some concealer please?"

"You know to cover up the bruises."

"I'll see..."

Jacks POV 

I hate to see her in pain but she has to learn.

I went to the same pharmacy.

The woman from before was at the till.

I decided I want her.

"Back again?"

"Yes I am"

"How's your girlfriend?"

"She's doing okay"

I collected some stuff,

vitamin and some birth control.

I was thinking I don't want another baby mama.

She better not be pregnant or else I will kill her.

"What's her name?"


"Your girlfriend, her name?"

"It's Clara."


"Hey , maybe we could go to dinner , all three of us?"

"Okay when?"

"Tonight , does 8 sound good?"

"Yes , I get off work at 6."


"Here's my number"

"I'll text you!"

"See y'a!"


Jack : Hey so the inn at 8.

Woman : Hey! Yes that'll be fine."

Jack :  Sorry I forgot to ask What's your name?

Woman : my name is Neve , I'm 25.

Jack : My name is Jack , I'm 32.

Neve's POV 

I'm so excited to meet his girlfriend.

I'm intrigued by them,

I arrived at the bar.

There was this handsome attractive man sitting drinking a beer.


"Hi Neve , Clara couldn't make it tonight."

"Oh that's sad , I was excited to meet her."

"It is"

I sighed 

"What would you like?"

"A red wine please?"

"Sure thing?"

He walked over to the bar.

He brought me back the wine next thing I know I'm getting dizzy.

"Hey , you alright?"

"I'll take you to your new home"

He whispers.

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