The Game

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I woke up and for a second,

I thought that I was in my own bed and that Jason was still alive.

"Where's Jason?"

I thought,

Then I remember everything.

My eyes fluttered open and I saw Jack sitting on the table,

"Good morning sweet pea."


He sat watching me get dressed and then Lori.

He looked at Lori and smiled

 "we're gonna play a game today".

"What game? 

She asked shivering with fear.


Jack yelled. 

  "See what you did with your stupid questions!" 

Jack yelled walking closer to the bed where Lori was sitting 

He started unbuckling his belt and tears filled my eyes, it was the dark brown one and that was the worst one.

"Stop , play the game with me not her!"

I stepped in front of Lori.

"Fine. Lori , go into the bathroom and put these on."

He gave her some headphones connected to a burner phone that would be untraceable.

That day was the worst.

He slapped me and tortured me.

I wiped the blood away from my lip

When he was done , I was reduced to only my bra and panties.

 "Get in the shower now!" 

He raised his voice but I didn't move. 


He yelled and Lori appeared. She looked at me and saw what happened.

 "Maggie" she said sounding a bit sad. 

"What did you do?"

 She asked rushing to my side.

 she wrapped me in her arms. 

"She's fine"he said and walked out. 

Lori looked at me and I swear she looked guilty. 

She hugged me tight and suddenly he yelled "Shower!" and he exited.


She said as soon as he was gone.

"Shhh, I'm okay."

I'm not really okay , I feel weak and broken.

I cried hysterically in the shower.

I was wrapped in a towel when Jack came back.

"You will have a new roommate by tomorrow!"


He shut the door before I could ask any questions.

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