Bene Schultz

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Today's the day I have been waiting for my entire life. My wedding day!! Today I'm marrying my best friend Bene Schulz. I get in my ball gown wedding dress and my maid of honor does my hair and makeup.

"Oh my goodness, you look like a princess y/n!!" Ruby exclaimed, putting her hands over her month almost crying. "Only one thing is missing." she said, grabbing a crown with a veil attached to it. "Here." she said, putting the crown on my head. "Perfect." she said.

I looked at myself in the mirror and started to cry.

"Don't cry! You're going to ruin your makeup!" Willow shouted, putting her hands up.

"I'm sorry. It's just- I look sooo good. Thank you all for being here!" I said, hugging all of my wedding party. "Ok, let's get this show on the road!" I yelled, grabbing my flowers.

When we got to the wedding venue I was absolutely stunned at how it looked. It was so pretty. The music started to play and so we all lined up and went down the aisle. First the bridesmaids and groomsmen, Then my maid of honor and Bene's best man, then the flower girl and ring bearer. Finally my turn. Holy crap I'm so scared! My butterflies have morphed into fricken pteradactals!

"Are you ready?" Jake said, offering his arm to me. Jake's going to walk me down the aisle since I don't have a father to do that.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said, chuckling and taking Jake's arm

"You look beautiful." Jake whispered.

"Thank you." I said back.

The bride's music started to play and everyone stood up so I started walking down. When I saw Bene at the end of the aisle I started to cry happy tears. All I saw looking at him was our future. He was wearing a black suit with the top two buttons undone. He looked perfect. I can't wait to marry this man. After what felt like ages I finally made it down the aisle without dying. Yay! I stood in front of Bene and he took my hands, looked into my eyes and whispered "I love you." I almost started crying again but I whispered it back.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the presence of God and this company to join Bene Schulz and y/n l/n in the holy bonds of matrimony. Will the parents of the Bride and Groom please stand?" The pastor said.

Our parents stood up from their seats.

"Who gives this bride to be married?" the pastor asked my mom.

"I do." My mom said, choking back tears.

"Who will give this groom to be married?" the pastor asked Bene's parents.

" We do." his parents said, smiling up at us.

"Thank you, you may be seated." the pastor said.

They sat back down.

"Do you Bene, take this woman whose hand you now hold, to be your true and wedded wife; and do you solemnly promise before God and these witnesses to LOVE, CHERISH, HONOR AND PROTECT HER: to forsake all others for her sake; to cleave unto her, and her only, until death shall part you?" the pastor asked Bene.

"I do." Bene said, looking into my eyes lovingly.

"Do you y/n, take this man who now holds your hand, to be your true and wedded husband; and do you solemnly promise before God and these witnesses to LOVE, CHERISH, HONOR AND PROTECT HIM, to forsake all others for his sake; to cleave unto him and him only, and him forever until death shall part you?" the pastor asked me.

"I do." I said, looking into Bene's eyes.

"The bride and groom wish to say vows they wrote." the pastor said.

"y/n, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. You are the sweetest, loving, generous person I know. You know how to make me laugh. You know how to make me feel better even when I'm mad at everything and everyone in this world. You are my best friend and I'm so happy we are getting married." Bene said. He was almost crying. I was about bawling my eyes out at this point.

"Bene, you are my best friend. You bring light into the darkness. You bring me happiness when I'm down. You are so sweet and funny. You make me laugh to the point I'm rolling on the floor. When I have a bad day you know exactly what to do. I think my favorite trait about you is that you always let me pick out the movie we watch. I'm ecstatic that we are getting married and growing old together." I said, trying not to cry too hard.

"Let's exchange the rings." the pastor said, grabbing the rings from the ring bearer.

We exchanged rings.

"In consideration of these solemn and sacred pledges, I am authorized by the laws of the state of Wisconsin in your marriage license and by the laws of God in His Holy Word, to pronounce you husband and wife. As I do this, let me remind you that henceforth you are one; one in interest, one in reputation and above all else one in affection you may kiss the bride." the pastor said.

"Gladly." Bene said, smiling. Everyone laughed. We kissed. I think this is my favorite kiss we have shared. May I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Schulz.

After the reception and everything we went to our hotel.

" Goodnight my wife." Bene said, smirking.

"Goodnight My husband." I said, smiling. We kissed, turned on a movie, cuddled then went to bed. I love my life. Source:Wedding Speech


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