Jacob Rott

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           It was a breezy autumn day, I just moved to Berlin, Germany and I was going down the stairs of my apartment building to get the rest of my stuff from my car. I should've grabbed a jacket. It's pretty chilly. I grabbed the last box and made my way to the elevator, because I'm not going up the stairs with this heavy box. The elevator door opened and I went in. I pressed my floor and when the door was closing a guy stopped the door. Holy Crap this guy was hot!!! He had black hair, jewelry, museles, a black band t-shirt and black ripped jeans. When he came in he smiled at me. I smiled back.

    “Hi, my name is y/n.” I said, putting the box on the ground and  putting out my hand for him to shake.

    “Hey, my name's Jacob.” He said, smiling and shook my hand. Oh my goodness his hands were sooooo soft. Ahhhhhh. “Just moving in?” he asked me, looking at the box.

    “Oh.. um.. ya.” I said back. The elevator stopped and the door opened. “This is me.” I said, grabbing my box. 

    “Do you need any help?” Jacob asked. Ohhhh, a cute new guy wants to help me!!

     “Oh sure. If you don’t need to be anywhere. I don’t want to trouble you.” I said,  smoothly as I possibly could.

    “It’s no trouble at all. Honestly, I love helping people.” He said, grabbing the box out of my hands. Awwww he likes helping people. I think I’m in love. Unfortunately my thoughts came out of my mouth.

    “Awww that's so sweet.” I said, quickly covering my mouth. I felt my cheeks turn red. He just smiled sweetly. 

    “Don’t be embarrassed. It’s cute.” He said, smiling then turning away hiding his blush. We walked to my apartment in silence because we were both embarrassed. 

    “Thank you.” I said, opening my door and taking the box from him. “Would you like to come in? Have dinner?” I asked him, every nerve trembling. 

"Sure, I’d like that.” He said, walking in. Oh my gosh, hot guy in my apartment. I think I died. I ordered a pizza and we sat down on my couch until it came. We each took some and we started to talk.

“Ok, let me get this straight, we have the same favorite color, favorite food and favorite show?” I asked him. 

“I guess so.” He said, laughing.

“ Wanna watch something?” I asked him, putting down my slice of pizza. 

“Sure. What are we going to watch?” he asked me.

“The Office?” I asked him. 

“Sure,” he said.  We grabbed a blanket and cuddled while watching one of my favorite shows.  Sooo Jacob and I had a little sleepover. When I woke up I smelled food. I went into my kitchen and saw Jacob making us breakfast.

“Good morning sunshine.” he said to me.

“Morning.” I said back. “You didn’t have to make breakfast.” I told him. 

“Well I know but I have a question for you.” He walked over to me  grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes. I’m like 99% sure I just pooped myself or threw up. Or both. “Morgan, when I first saw you I got butterflies. You're so nice inviting me for dinner and letting me stay the night. Sooo what I wanted to know if you would maybe be my girlfriend? I know we just met so if you don’t want to I understand.” Jacob ranted. Ok now I’m most definitely sure I pooped myself.

“ Jacob, that was super sweet of course I will be your girlfriend.” I said, smiling.

Jacob threw his arms around me and kissed me passionately.  I could get used to that, I thought.


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