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The battle raged around him, he could barely comprehend what was goin on.

His actions wasnt his to fully controll, he was trapped in fog. Moving and speaking without thinking, without himself speaking. The voice wasn't his. Etched with anger and pure rage.

He screamed out in pain as his optic was shatterd, alarms blaring about intruders in his form.

The anger and raged mixed with his emotions or was it the others?. He could feel himself being pulled into the others emotions, magnifying them and molding them to become his own.

Those wretched pests that his opposite had created was irritating to deal with. But now when they were inside his own form he could beat them easier, while also taking down their ships around him.

He stalked through the halls of his inner workings. Optics and drones scanning over his entire frame to find the intruding mechanisms.

The constant threath of his frame being shot at was painfully distracting while searching.

But he found them, and attacked.

All in the blink of an optic he was in his sparkchamber, his spark pounding erratically. He shifted his vision to his outer optics, but everything was pich black. Had he somehow transformed?.

He started up his transformation sequence. But nothing budged, he felt trapped. Suddenly it all came back to him.

Primus. This was all Primus doing, he had done something to trigger both their transformation sequence, trapping them in planet mode. It had knocked him unconscious, for how long?

Giving his internal chronometer a glance he scoffed. Eons.

His sparkbeat increased, he could feel a connection to his own spark. The minions of his were still alive?, and stomping across him none the less?. This had to be looked into.

Reaching out with his spark he looked through the optics of his minion. A moment of surprise passed through him, it quickly turned into a dark chuckle.

Well, well it seemed like his opposites own creations had turned on him once more. Megatron had been an ally before, and it seemed like it was time again. But this time, he was in complete controll of the supposed warlord.

As he was looking through his optics he also heard the mention of his others wretched lineage. The Prime, the only one who stood between him and full domination.

He had to rid this world of the last one of his mates wretched spawn. All he needed now was a way to lure the Prime out, and he had the perfect plan.

Tugging and stretching his form to move his planet mode around, made the weather collapse completely. And only in a matter of time the Prime emerged, calling out his name.

Controlling the matter that was coating his armor was no problem, it was weak but in numbers it would be enough to reap the last Primes spark. Creating a multitude of minions in his image to fight.

Something hit his spark hard and he screamed out in pain.

Suddenly He woke up with a pounding spark, sitting up with his back pressed against the wall. Servos stretched out and his claws a the ready. His chest was heaving trying to cool his overheated frame fast enough.

Optics darting around the room before stopping on that was in front of him. Primus.

The look on his faceplate spoke more than he would have liked. Looking down he saw the marks he had made on the others frame. Five long clawmarks across his chest, one leaking a bit of energon.

His faceplate shifted to horror as he reached out for his frame and swiftly assessed the damage he had done to his mate. Leaning forward and stroking a gentle servo at the edge of the wounds.

"Oh Beloved im so sorry i didn-"

Primus put his forhelm against his mates hushing him quietly. "Shh it's alright love, it was my fault. I shouldn't have gotten so close and been more careful."

A servo suddenly pushed at Unicrons side, looking down he saw one of his priests. Wielding torch in servo he pressed himself in between them, sitting in unicrons lap and got to work patching up Primus wound.

Unicron watching him work in silence.

It didnt take long and when he were done he silently walked off to leave them alone.

Primus stroked a servo gently over his cheek.

"Are you alright?, i could feel your distress through the bond as if it were my own."

Unicron took a shaky invent, he had yet to calm his erratic spark down from the nightmares.

"Im all good.., just some reacurring nightmares is all.."

He sunk back down in the berth, Primus shifting to sit beside him instead.

Allowing his arm to gently rest on Unicrons servo as he stroked his palm across the side of his faceplate. "Those nightmares aren't you at the moment."

A soft huff. "But they could become any moment."

"Well that isn't what we are focusing on right now is it..."

Unicron pushed himself against the calming touch of the others palm as it started to make small patterns arcoss his faceplate.

He listend to Primus engine humming steadily. Grounding him for now.

"It is alright my reaper, You are safe. None will harm you in my presence.."

A content rumble of his engine echoed throughout their chambers. He was safe, he was safe now. For the moment at least.

He would try to enjoy the solitude while it lasted. One never knew when the beast would awake and strike once more. Then, none would be safe.

PrimusXUnicron one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now