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Primus held out his arms to sheild the bots behind him. Starring intensely at the god in front of him, his dermas set in a straight line.

Unicron gaped, chest heaving in exhaustion. His optics darted between the bots and Primus, it had all happend too fast.


"Dont move beast. I won't let you hurt my creations further."

He was taken aback, his tone was harsh. Harsher than he had ever heard him speak to him. Something was wrong, off.

"Love im sorry, i just did it becuase i was furious over you getting hurt.."

Primus sneered.

"Love?, We are enemies. All i know is that you are hurting my creations and i won't stand for that. Put your w-"

Unicron dropped his weapons, armor rattling in frustration and confusion. Had Primus forgotten who he was?, what they were?. Slowy raising a servo in his direction before lowering it and glarring at the bots behind his lover.


Primus shifted so Unicron would take his optics off the bots behind him and back to focusing on him instead.

"They have done nothing to me. You on the other hand. What have you done to me?, what kind of sick trick is this."

"I have done nothing!. Your Lovely creations here were running experiments with your powers and you blacked out trying to protect yourself. I have been protecting you since you passed out!. I know you can feel my spark in yours. You know im not lying!"

"You have tamperd with my seystems, nothing else." He streated out his digits, an orb forming in his servos respectively. crackling with energy.

He bit his tounge and thought over his options. Knowing exactly how dangerous his planet weapons were, he would prefer having not to fix dents and ripped armor for an eon.

"You must remember the start of your own creation, we have been companions for millenia."

"All I remember is you deceiving me and leaving me at the brink of destruction. It is all you consist of. Destruction anywhere you may wonder. Leave us alone."


Before he had time to do anything one of his orbs was flying his way. He dodged it fairly easy, he still fought like he had so manny millenia ago. It was predictable.

"You never fight someone that is unarmed, but im guessing i am the exception hm?"

Primus lunged at him with bright swords.

Servos engulfed in a purple mist his servos were transformed into the same colored swords, clashing with Primus.

"You never played fairly anyway. Thought i would return past favors Unicron."

"You don't remember your past as well do you?, The day we forgave one another and bonded once more."

"I do remember, you tearing this universe to peices."

Pushing his sword against Unicron with more vigor their swords energies collided making him slide several meters back.

Primus voice echoed out over the void.

"I do not remember forgiving you. How could i ever forgive you for what you did back then."

"I asked myself that same question. But in the end you gave me the logical answer you always do. And you know deep inside exactly why you forgave me for what happend that day."

PrimusXUnicron one-shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ