The Border

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"You remember the safety rules right.?" Expired shook.

You nod your head as you had the safety gear on. You knew about the Moⁿ⁰ zone and its dangers but you was determined to go out there.

"Okay.. if anything goes wrong.. you know what to do.. call one of our strongest people." Expired spoke sounding serious.

The once again nod your head. Expired sighed but held your shoulders.

"Listen.. don't go dying on us. Okay? Alright! Set done the barrier!" Expired called out.

Soon the barrier got weaker and weaker until. It was all clear. You saw no colour. Just black and white with a glitch. You slowly took a step in and you felt the air tighten. You breathed it in and exhaled normal.

"I feel normal so far." You spoke.

"Good. Means the gear works." Expired smiled.

You watched the barrier return. Here comes the adventure bit. You stepped forward and felt the glitch happen. You look at your hands and legs to see them glitching. But you still hand your colour. Guess the gear works perfectly. You begin to work through the ground. Mesmerized by the ground and the glitch. Everything seemed so dull and dead. Soon you heard bells ringing. But with a slow distance beat. A voice followed behind it. "YOU'RE DEAD". You felt your body shaking. Your eyes began to water but not water, water. With black substance. You look at your hands to see that they are white. So are you clothes. You pulled a but of your hair out and looked at it.

It was also white. Only your eyes leaked black. Strange. You felt fine, you didn't feel any pain, any discomfort, you just felt like yourself. You continue to walk through the land until you reached a tree. The tree had no leaves and was just plain black with a glitch. You touch the tree and felt all the particles on your hand. You pulled away and looked at your hand


It was written on your hand.

"So.. this is where the tree of life is.. its been stuck here all this time. It seems so.. lifeless." You spoke with a hint of a echo.

You move backwards and looked around. This place seemed like the dead version of the 'tree of the dead' back in Expireds land. You pushed past the tree and saw an open world. It seemed to be like some sort of other place or zone with no barrier.

Volume 1:
Old Angel zone

You enter the zone/place and saw alot of grey clouds. In front of you, was a broken statue of a God with holy wings. The God hand their hands out in a bowl shape. You sprinted down the hill and saw that it seemed to be like a lost city or town. You stepped foot into the town and saw alot of burnt houses.

"This must the the old angel zone. I think.. back when that war was happening." You sighed while placing your hand on the statue.



The zone was under attack by the Zephyr zone. The zones was never really friends. They was always so power hungry. They all craved the power to control everything. Every angel and zephyr battled. A few angels flew for safety.

"ATTACK MY ARMY! ATTACK!" The Zephyr king called.

The Zephyr and Angel king was met together. Zephyr had a scowl, while the Angel had a strong glare. They both equipped their weapons a charged at each other.

*flashback over*

You shot back. As all the memories flew back to you. The angel zone was attacked by the Zephyr zone because they wanted to show that their power was stronger than theirs.

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