"Oh she already knows"



Beck felt helpless, rage boiling just under the surface. Arcs of energy passed through his chest from the taser charge stuck to his torso. It sent sizzling pain through every fiber of his being, and he couldn't even move.

The Black Guards stalked closer, their discs at the ready even with him incapacitated.

 Then the few Guards in Beck's limited field of vision froze, and made way for a new figure. Dyson. The General stalked forward, his arms placidly behind his back.

"Ah, so I finally have the honor of meeting the Renegade. This is quite the occasion" He raised a hand and pointed up towards the catwalks that crisscrossed the ceiling of the factory.

"Go after the other one. This program didn't come in here alone. He has help"

Several of the guards peeled off to follow the order.

Help? Beck was running this mission alone. Unfortunately for him.

The renegade wanted to ask them what they meant. But he couldn't even open his mouth. The electricity locking his jaw and keeping even the cries of pain inside.

Tron was wearing the white suit tonight, in another part of the city, so Beck was left with his standard armor. Unfortunately, the armor on a mechanic program was much less effective than the kind that the hero of the Grid wore. So, a measly taser charge had a much greater effect than it would have otherwise. Beck was currently cursing that difference. It was all over if he got caught. They could find Tron in less than a cycle with the intel on his disc.

Dyson moved closer, circling around Beck's prone form.

"I think you and I have much to talk about renegade. I quite certain Tron has trained you. You're definitely not up to his level. But you have promise. Utility even" Dyson's face wasn't visible but Beck could still hear the sickeningly pleasant smile in his voice.

"Take him" He said, jerking his head for the guards to move in.


It couldn't end like this.

Then, a massive bang rattled the factory. A cloud of smoke obscured the floor. Beck tried to look around, to see through the smoke but couldn't even lift his hand to bat it away. Then, he felt the vibrations of a program settling on the ground beside him. Completely silent, the program deactivated the taser charge and gripped Beck by the arm, hauling him up. A lash made of orange energy spun in the air in front of him, a disc hooked to the end. Beck dodged, then guided by the hand on his arm, sprinted into the smoke. Shouting and raucous movement echoed behind him. But he and the unknown program disappeared into the gloom. He looked, expecting to see Tron's sharp helmet and white lines. He was shocked to see a female program with white and yellow lines and a familiar winged helmet.

"Paige?!" He hissed.

The former commander growled "Just follow me renegade. Im not getting caught because of you".

"Right. Thanks for the assist back there"

"I owed you one. Now we're even. If you mention it again Ill knock your block off" She spat back. They skidded out through a side door and sprinted into the alleys of Argon.

"What you up to now days Paige? How's unemployment treating you?" Beck asked glibly. His breath coming in puffs as they sprinted.

"I was serious about knocking your block of renegade. Don't test me"

Tron: DeliveranceWhere stories live. Discover now