" Apology"

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You and your family look st each other In shock as you continue to drip soap.

" y/n... Go get dressed and start packing your things.." my mother calmly ordered me, she also told the same to my sister.
I go back into the shower an start rinsing my hair as I think about how the white haired guy stared at me for that moment. I get dressed and start packing my things. Time skip we ended up moving since the part we lived on was pretty dangerous and my mothe wanted to move farther to the safer side.
As we settled up in our new house which was pretty nice it had two story's and even a backyard instead of a crummy apartment.

Soon enough I found out that the new house we lived in just so happen to be the neighbors of the church those dudes lived in. Sometimes I would always see the dark haired one wave at me from the top window of the church. My mom also became good friends with the nun lady next door and sometimes we would go over but I would just awkwardly stand next to mom..

Couple months later

" y/n Get dressed we're visiting sarvente again!" my mother hollered from downstairs.

I get dressed and plug my earphones in as always , sarvente always let me chill in the chairs. While her and mom chatted, once we arrived we knocked on the pearly white Pinkish doors we heard banging and clashing inside, me and mom jolted up in suprise and jumpef back a bit as the clashing got louder to the door.


It went silent

The pearly pink doors slowly open and reveal sarv and selever but.. sarv had her son in a headlock?
" Greetings Y/n and Mercedes!" /yo mamas name btw/
I gave sarv a small awkward wave as I stare at selever who refused to make eye contact " oh! Y/n I Believe selever has an apology owed " she powerfully tossed him towards me as he stumbled and almost fell over me but quickly caught his balance . We just stood there like frozen cubes not saying anything as my mother and sarvente entered the church chatting happily . " erm... hey" he mumbled while looking off to the side . I was surprised he made the first move , " hey" I responded back , " so ummm I don't know if you remember but me and my friend Julius kinda crash landed in your living room in your old house cus we kinda got in a fight at the shop cus he spat a boba ball in my hair which took almost forever cus of my hair days soo we kinda ended up in your house cus I think he did that on purpose since he knew where you lived and he wanted to piss me off soooo." I just stared in great confusion at why he's saying this even if it was a couple months ago . He looks at me " Ahem um anyways what I meant to say was I'm sorry, for absolutely destroying your living room and I saw you in a shower curtain wrap so I got embarrassed haha!...."

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