{ Gospel }

435 10 9

Selevers POV:
" SHIT That was so embarrassing, Probably a bad idea giving her my address instead of my number but I was bored and well, eh she seemed like the type of person fun to fuck around with"
I mumbled to myself

I started walking home after that unexpected encounter with that girl from the coffee shop, on my way home I started over thinking about if the girl took my comment seriously or will she probably be  too weirded out to even show up, so I ended up brushing it off and just listening to music with my earphones and walking home dramatically slow to piss off my old man.

I arrived home around mid sunset and kicked down those dumb pink pearly doors open revealing the girl inside holding a small basket full of coffee drinks.  I stared at her as she walked up to me without emotion and handed me the basket. " uh someone named Julius ordered these to your direction, but thanks anyways for the card" she slipped the card I gav e her back in my hand and waved goodbye to my mom who was behind her with rasazy next to her going ravenous for a cakepop. " Bye ma'am! Thank you so much for letting me inside again! "

" No problem honey! You should pass by sometimes to the church if you can we're open Monday till Fridays!" my mother waved goodbye to the girl as well
I could feel my eyes twitching with disbelief.
As soon as the girl shut the doors behind her I yelled " MA !?" , " SELEVER!" my mother also yelled " WHY DID YOU INVITE HER TO VISIT THE CHURCH?" I spat swinging my arms out dramatically, I saw my mother take a deep breath and close her eyes, then she replied calmly " selever... It was very rude of you not to walk her out to the front gate, ESPECIALLY since its very cold and dark outside"

I look at rasazy as she nodded her head in agreement.  "Ugh" I let out a grunt of annoyance as I stormed up to my room.
I slammed my door open to reveal Julius hanging upside down from the top bunk bed.
" here's your stupid drink bitch." I aggressively threw him the drink he ordered, which he easily caught. I took my drink out the basket and threw myself on the beanbag. Julius looked at me with a concerned look " watch wrong bitch face did your mom take away your phone  in her demon form again?" he smirked.

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