Agony and Y/n Headcanons

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{If Y/n and Agony were dating}

-It took a while for Agony to grow trust in Y/n because of her issues but after some convincing from Riley, Agony decides to stay close to Y/n

-Agony and Y/n would have some chatting meanwhile Riley is relived that Agony is finally having social life with someone else

-Riley would be giving Agony advice about Y/n and how to make things work between Y/n and her

-Agony would show Y/n the moon and stars sense she doesn't go outside much

-After some comfort Agony and Y/n would sleep on the couch with their heads on each others heads (they're sleeping sitting up)

(If Y/n and Agony were siblings)

-Agony would joke around with Y/n with Zoe funny or cruel/messed up jokes

-Sense Agony and Y/n met Riley, Riley kinda is used to Y/n meanwhile she's very annoyed by Agony

-Whenever Agony knows someone hurts Y/n, let's just say we don't see them ever again lol

-Agony may not be the best sister but she tries to make it up to Y/n every now and then

I hope you all liked it 😅

{Words: 206 words}

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