A Guy Like You Should Wear A Warning

391 11 2

"Even in a crowded room, I'd only look at you"



Scott strolls to the front of the town hall, head held high and posture straight, even if his legs are still aching numbly. His white coat billows behind him. His golden crown glints in the sunlight, woolen boots making definitive thuds as he walks down the cobblestone path. A wide berth was given for him, citizens hastily bowing to their king, he returned it with a practiced smile; not too wide and not too cold, just amiable enough to be polite.

He hears the whispers, most of them wondering about the seemingly out of place scarf he had wrapped around his neck.

Zehava was already at the hall, wearing her formal attire—a white blouse under a blue waistcoat and a flowy gold-trimmed skirt that went past her knees—she has her long, dark teal hair in a half-up half-down style, an intricately carved silver circlet resting daintily on her head.

She has her elytra on and he cringes internally at the stinging reminder of a terrible childhood incident that cost her her wings.

"Sire?" she calls out lightly, tapping on his shoulder. He takes a breath, before smiling at her.

"Shall we go?" he says, wings splayed out and ready to fly off.

She gives him a look, but simply follows behind him, rockets in hand as they take off towards the Overgrowth.


He gracefully lands among the flower fields of Katherine's lovely empire, the sun shines a little brighter here, warmer too, unlike the perpetual cold that seems to envelop Rivendell. The birds singing a tune from long ago, the rivers humming a melody he feels like he recognizes. There was something so familiar every time he touched down the colorful fields, like a faint memory from a distant past.

Zeva lands close behind him, stumbling as she touches the ground. He chuckles as he catches her by the arm, preventing her from falling over. She glared at him playfully, before a fond smile graced her pale lips, shaking her head at his antics.

A pair of guards receives them, all in deep lavender armor shining ever so slightly with enchantments. They follow them down the path of the Overgrowth's castle, citizens going about their daily tasks greets them with a welcoming smile, little children brave enough to cling and run around him before their parents call them away. He didn't mind them, he likes children, he likes how they're so carefree with the world around them, how they aren't burdened with responsibilities and etiquettes.

They arrive at the gates, tall and imposing mauve doors with vines and flowers curling around the silver columns, the sunlight basking the area in an almost otherworldly glow. They were ushered into the meeting room, other rulers and their secretaries were here already, sitting patiently in their assigned seats.

On the left side of the table are his allies; fWhip, Gem, and Pearl chattering amongst themselves, for a brief moment he wonders where Sausage is, since it was rare to see him and fWhip separated. On the right side was the Ocean Queen herself along with her beau the King of Mezalea, and the Codfather himself, complete with the stupid cod mask that was slipping off his face. He bit back a groan. What did he do to piss off Aeor this much?

Katherine was at the head of the table, in her throne of flowers and vines. He greets her with a smile, sitting on his seat to her left, pointedly ignoring that from across him is a certain codman that he may or may not have fucked.

Instead he focuses on how Grimland's Secretary throws a not-so-subtle wink towards Zeva, which she returns with an unamused expression. He chuckles silently as fWhip elbows them lightly on the ribs. They must've been new, otherwise they would've known Zeva's complete disinterest with romantic or sexual affairs. He hears fWhip chastising them, yep, definitely new.

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