Chalter 30: Before the Dawn - Cornered

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The Manta Flyer continued its approach to the alien craft and M'gann kept the bio-ship close behind. I hope the Martian camouflage is enough to hide us from their scanners or we're in serious trouble.

The Manta Flyer docked with the massive alien ship.

Nightwing: "That ship has the same design sensibility as the bombs that destroyed the Cave and Malina Island."

(Y/n): "What is that supposed to mean and how can you tell that by looking at it from this far away?"

Nightwing: "Nevermind."

I knew exactly what Nightwing was trying to get at but I really wanted to give him a hard time. It made me feel a little better.

Wonder Girl: "It kinda looks like Blue's armour."

Nightwing and I made eye contact and realized the same thing. This alien race was most likely responsible for building Blue Beetle's scarab. Which either means that he's been working as an advanced agent or they can't control the scarab.

(Y/n): "Miss M, time to find our people."

Miss Martian: "On it."

Miss Martian density shifted through the floor and into the ocean.

Nightwing: "I'll get us positioned in the docking bay beside the Manta Flyer."

(Y/n): "Wonder Girl, when we dock and secure the loading area you will be responsible for holding it until the hostages get onboard."

Wonder Girl stood up and looked somewhat disappointed.

Wonder Girl: "Wait, guard duty?! W-what will you guys be doing?"

(Y/n): "Cutting through their lines."

Sutton: "Right to the hostages."

Ann: "And escorting them back to you in the loading bay."

Wonder Girl: "Oh... ok."

Ann: "Don't feel bad, your part in the plan is just as important as ours."

Wonder Girl: "Wow, thanks."

Nightwing: "About to dock, get ready."

(Y/n): "Alright Nobel, watch your corners and hope ISAC can lock onto Batgirls signal. Speed is key here, we have no idea what their forces look like or how fast they will mobilize to counter our insertion."

Ann: "Copy that sir."

ISAC: "Signal acquired."

The hatch slid open and we were suddenly face to face with a small squad of Black Mantas soldiers and Tigress.

We caught them completely by surprise. Tigress's eyes widened in shock at the sight of us. What shocked me was when the Manta soldier closest to her grabbed her arm and threw her into the hallway, she crashed into a wall at the end of the hall and fell down.

The Manta soldier that threw Tigress ripped off his helmet and I was surprised to see Superboy.

Sutton and Ann started firing at the Manta soldiers. We took a few down and Superboy knocked the rest unconscious.

(Y/n): "Nobel, move it!"

Sutton: "We're with you sir!"

We charged down the halls of the alien ship, they look weird to say the least, the doors are made of metal and look futuristic. The rest of the ship looks well... alien, almost insect like.

ISAC led us down the many halls and turns until we saw a small group of aliens running towards us. They're wearing red armour with capes and are carrying a staff like weapon. They freeze when they see us and during their hesitation we fire and quickly kill all five of the alien guards.

Young Justice: Directive 51 (Male Reader X Young Justice)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant