NeXt PaRt

632 15 4

"Well?" He tapped his foot impatiently waiting for an answer.  I sighed and looked up at him "okay I'll tell you but maybe not here?" He smiled at this "deal, I was planning on taking you going somewhere to eat either way!" He began walking. "We're walking there?" I asked, not really minding but was curious.

"Yeah! Would you prefer to drive? If so that's fine!" He replied. "No no it's fine! I was just curious" and we began walking there in an awkward silence.

"So what do you do for a living?" He asked
"About that...." I nervously Chuckled
"Wait... oh no y/n.... What did you get yourself into?" He seemed genuinely upset about the situation. "I'm not sure.." I admitted. He placed a hand on my shoulder giving me a sympathetic look. I smiled up at him and soon realized we made it to a fancy restaurant.

He walked in and we were almost immediately seated despite the amount of people waiting for a table. Perks of being famous I guess. We sat across from each other and I couldn't bring myself to stop smiling and looking around in awe.

"Now what's up with this "career" of yours?" I sighed and looked at him
"I couldn't find a job and I got an offer from the woman who claimed the music, Janiqua. And me being the dummy I am, signed a contract and I can't get released from the job till the end of this year" I explained my whole situation

"Hmm... I guess there's nothing we can do then... there's not much time left in the year so I guess all that's left is to go through with it... I'm sorry y/n I really wish a could help" he said with sorrowful eyes
"No it's fine! I put myself into this situation and I'll get myself out... but enough about that, let's have some fun okay?" I said wanting to change the subject. He nodded, agreeing and I grabbed a menu before stopping and putting it right back down. HOLY CRAP THATS EXPENSIVEEEE.

"Is something the matter? Do you not like this kind of food? Oh god I'm sorry! I should have asked where you wanted to eat" he rambled but I just lightly squeezed his hand from across the table "hey no it's alright! I just can't afford any of this" I chuckled from embarrassment.

"Oh don't worry about that! I was planning on paying" he said with a grin
"Oh I can't have you paying!" I frantically started to try and convince him to just enjoy his meal and I'll eat when I get home.

"No. I invited you to eat so it's only fair that I pay for both our meals and you will eat, you hear?" he said. A giant grin spread across my face. God this man is perfect in every way... I now realize that my adoration for him had grown and my once CELEBRITY crush was now a CRUSH crush.

I looked down at our hands and so did he. I had pulled away "oh sorry..." I apologize, hoping I didn't make him uncomfortable.
"It's alright.." he said as he looked at anything but me. I could see a slight tint of red in his face. "Hey Tae are you feeling okay?" I asked. His face got redder as he nodded. I was oblivious to what was actually happening so I was concerned. I put my hand to his forehead and he felt warm. "You might be burning up, are you sure you're alright?"
"Mhm! It's just hot in here!" He said quite quickly

Tae's pov
She was holding my hand and she's so kind and caring, oh my gosh. I can't wait to tell the guys about her!

Suddenly she asked if I was okay, I didn't realize how much I was blushing. I let her know I was okay but she proceeded to feel my head. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS WOMAN IS GONNA KILL ME!
"Tae?" She asked again. I looked into her eyes and just plopped my head onto the table.
"I'm alright, please excuse me" I said as I got up and went to the bathroom.

IM SO NERVOUS! I fumbled with my phone as I went to call Jesse. He had the most experience with Gorls.
Jesse: hey dude, how's the day date going?
"Not a date! And it's going horrible!"
Jesse: oh no what's wrong?!
"I'm so nervous I think I'm going to be sick! It was a casual conversation then it escalated!"
Jesse: how?
Jesse: okay..... you need to chill. Try and act cool but not weird cool. Just calm down and whenever you get nervous just think of something to calm you down.
"Okay.. thanks Jess!"
Jesse: no problem

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