"1 true love"

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I was sitting at my desk and I was singing 1 true love while recording

So I could send it to Janiqua. She said she wanted to post it as a cover audio but claim it was her work. Not that I could do anything, she made me sign a contract saying I couldn't tell anyone... HEY I WAS DESPERATE! Anyway I finished it and quickly send the recording to her and then looked over to my bed to see a paper on my pillow. I immediately lit up with joy.

OH MAH GOSH IT WASNT A DREAMMM! I snatched up the paper and quickly added the number as a contact in my phone. I hesitated but soon messaged him.
<hey! :) I don't know if you remember but I'm the girl from last night (if you're a guy or non binary, I can change it) you gave me your number>

This hurts my soul. Of course he remembers! It happened like 9 hours ago! God why are you so dumb?! I stopped breathing when I saw the dots, signaling he was already typing back.

<oh yes! Hello! I was wondering when you'd message me haha! :D>
HE WAS THINKIN BOUT ME MESSAGING HIM??? wait. No. Calm yo self chile. He probably doesn't mean it that way.
<so about last night, you really don't need to make it up to me, it's alright!>
<no really! I feel bad about my actions... so if it's alright with you, would you like to hang out? As a way to make it up to you>
<sure that sounds great!>
<I'm free today, how about you?>
<yeah I'm free! Where do you want to meet up?>
<hmm how about the bus stop by the sky dome?>
<sure I'll see you there!>

I immediately tossed my phone to the side and got dressed more nice than usual. Not anything like a dress, that's too nice and it's not a date just a hang out so that would be a little weird.
I cleaned myself up and sprinted to my car.
I drove there a little too quick and was early. I sat in my car with the windows down and singing to "U know what's up" and dancing in my seat. I took dance classes when I was younger so I was pretty decent if I do say so myself.

"I did it on my oh-oh-oh-oh-own~ I did it on m-" I stopped when I looked to the side and saw Tae standing right beside my door, staring at me with a stunned expression.
I yelled. I Folded myself into a ball and curled into the seat of my car. "Oh my Jesus that was so embarrassing, god please take me now."
"He-" Tae begun but I rolled up my window. And laid there. He knocked on the window and I sat up, sighing. I opened the door "sorry Tae. If I could, I would die of embarrassment right about now."

He only laughed "why would you be embarrassed?! That was amazing!"
"Yeah your voice is so good! I love it!" He exclaimed with an look full of admiration.
"Thank you..." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Mhm!!" He hummed. Then his phone rang
"Oh excuse me for a second!" He answered
"Oh hey Jesse!"
Jesse: yo! Did you hear the new cover of our song 1 true love? This girl has mad talent!
"No I haven't... I'll check it out!"
Aaron T: when you're finished tell us what you think!
"I will! But what's their name?"
Aaron Z: this chick named Janiqua!
He hung up and searched it up. I felt nervous as I watched his reaction after he started the music.
"Wow they're amazing! They sound... like.... You..." he looked at me unsure.
"Hey y/n could you sing this for me real quick"
"... uhm..." I didn't want to give myself away but he began to give me THE look. WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?!
"Fine. Heavy rain from my cloudy eyes 
Every time you say it isn't wise to call you babe.. happy?" I finished but his face contorted into a confused one.
"Y/n. Why does this 'Janiqua' sound EXACTLY like you?" He questioned.
(A/n: sorry my chapters are short but I do post a lot every day so dw! :) love y'all!)

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