I turned back and walked to where half of the family was so I could help.

" let's grab my mom first " I said and they nodded helping me pick up my mom.

" I'll call my guards when we get her in the car " I said as I held her by her arms.


We finally got her in and I quickly called my home speakers- it helps everyone hear and contact me.


Rawr? Woof?

I'm sorry- it was just meant to be said.

" BOSS ILS ONT PRIS LE FILS D'HENRY! " I heard a guard yell.
( Boss they've taken Henry's son )

I looked up at henry and saw his face turn into anger.

" GET DOWN HERE NOW ASAP! " I yelled again and hung up the phone.

" Emergency contacts should be on the way, we need to go " I said quickly and we all ran out the door.

Please let them be there.


I got to the drivers seat first and I quickly sped off almost hitting another car in the process.

Don't care about that.

" I need to know how and why this happened " I said anxiously.

* back to the present *

" I'm so sorry " I heard someone say and I grew confused.


Get up.

I forced my eyes open a few times and finally got them open only to close them again.

Bright ass light.

Wait- I need my kids.

I forcibly opened them again and saw that the light was still bright.

" SHE OPENED HER EYES! " I heard the girl's voice from earlier yell.

She sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on it right now.

" Where are my kids? " I asked yet my voice was quiet and horse.

I quickly started pulling the needles out only for someone to grab my hand.

" LET ME GO! " I yelled again quiet and hoarsely.

" NYLA! SERENITY! " I yelled and looked up to see Stephanie.

" GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU BITCH, I'LL KILL YOU " I yelled using all force I had to push her.

" Woah what's going on here? " I heard Henry ask coming in here.


" what are you talking about? " Stephanie asked and i went back to snatching the needle out.

Since this bitch wants to play dumb.

" YOU TRIED TO KILL ME! " I said angrily and she had a dumb look of confusion on her face.

" what are you talking about? " Henry asked this time and I looked at him angrily.

" where's serenity and nyla? " I asked.

" Serenity is with Diana getting food but who's nyla? " he said and I burst out laughing.

" how do you not know who nyla is? " I asked standing up ignoring the dizziness and pain.

" you have to lay down! " Henry said walking up to me.

" where's nyla and why the fuck is this traitor in here? " I asked.

" babe i don't know who nyla is and what do you mean traitor- she didn't do anything! " Henry said.

" oh so you're defending the snake? and why the hell did you just call me babe " I asked and there was a knock on the door followed by it opening.

" ma'am you can't be up right now " the doctor said walking up to me about to touch me.

" do not fucking touch me- now sign the release papers so I can go home " I said feeling my body go numb so I sat down.

" first let me give you the run down " the doctor said and came and put the needle back in my hand.

" basically you were in a coma for five months " he said and i burst out laughing.

" I'm so- " I stopped because I was still laughing.

" You're crazy " I said finishing up my laugh and I looked to see nobody was laughing.

" I'm sorry- a coma? why? " I asked.

"  you got in a horrible car accident and when you went into surgery it didn't go well " he said.

" Where's Anthony and Vicky? " I asked changing the subject.

" Who? " I heard Stephanie say and I rolled my eyes.

" The Raines family? " I said in a questioning tone.

" are you talking about that rich family who supposedly runs the mafia? " the doctor asked and I nodded.

" I'll give you all a minute " he said walking out.

" babe- " Henry started.

" stop calling me that, where's kellie and your son? " I asked and he looked at me confused.

" I don't know who kellie is and sadly due to the car accident our son died " he said seriously putting emphasis on our.

" who is OUR? how do you not know who kellie is? you literally killed her! " I said also putting emphasis on our.

" Janessa I've never killed anyone. There's no kellie, Anthony, Vicky or nyla. I don't know why you're asking about the Raines family and you got in a car accident while pregnant with our son. " he said.

" so I didn't meet them and somewhat move in with them? do you not remember the bombing? " I asked.

" no- and what bombing? " he said and I felt like I was going insane.

" wait you said coma.. " I trailed off.

" Janessa it's possible you were dreaming " Stephanie said.






Books over 😍😤 .

No it's not!

But no seriously- the book is over.

Thank y'all so much for 327k reads 🥺.

I didn't expect to get this many readsssss . ( I'm aware I always say this but still )

It's 4.20.22 and I am doneeeee - sorry it took four months :(

In my next book it'll be more details, more plots, more time taken into the chapters.

Also we're state testing and I already failed the most important part- ughhhh.

I don't know when I'll have my second book out but again- thank you for reading, voting and commenting.

I love it from y'all 💕💕 .

There won't be a epilogue or second book '

~ sincerely misssss mf author 🫣 .

It's 1am, go to bed😒

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