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No matter how frustrated or sad the Autobot scout was, he would never refuse to go on a drive with you. When you met Bee, he was sad that yet another member of the team couldn't understand him. It was heartbreaking to see the bot so deflated. So, you decided to try your hardest to learn pieces of what he was saying, or signals, cues, anything you could to help the bot out. Along the way, you became close friends, even though Bumblebee felt more for you. He loved your dedication and compassion to communicate with him, even if it took a while. He found himself sacrificing his spare time to help you, and you were able to make connections quickly. Your first drive together was on a recon assignment, but you loved every second of it. Bee let you turn the radio on and you both jammed out to whatever you wanted to hear. You were growing closer every day. Long drives became a regular part of your lives, something both of you used to decompress from the stress of battling the Decepticons. Drives meant freedom of thought, time to yourselves, away from the other bots and the work loads that came with them. Bee loved drives because you would get tired very easily, and he loved when you would fall asleep under his care, cuddled into the seat with the fluffy blanket you insisted on taking with you. He loved bringing you to new places, watching how your eyes lit up when you would see something for the first time. He loved spending time with you, and with the threat of war coming ever closer, he reserved more and more time for you.


"Bee! Let's go for a drive!"

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