"I'm not! Don't believe what that idiot wrote!" I yell, spinning around to face her.

She throws her hands up in defense, "Louis, I know... Why would you be gay. And who with? Zayn?" she chuckles.

"Stop even joking about this shit! It's gotten too far! The damn kid" I mutter and continue walking.

"Whatever" she says and catches up with me, "So are you going to walk me to class again today?"

"No, I'm going to my own class" I say and she stops walking, leaving me to walk alone.

I shake it off and walk to my first period class.

I walk in and sit down. I open up my text book to the page marked on the board and start to read through the chapter.

"Hey... Psst" I hear someone whisper behind me after the bell rang.

I turn around "What?"

He laughs with his friends and shakes his head "Nothing" and chuckles again.

I squint at him then roll my eyes and continue reading.

"Hey, laughers over there... Read!!" yells the teacher.

I keep reading about the Russian Revolution but my mind starts drifting back to Harry and I last night.

The way it felt to kiss him was better than any other girl I've ever made out with.

I shake my head.

No, Louis... You're not gay.

I look back down at the text and start to continue to read.

But Harry. His body wet. And when he moaned for me. I made him do that.

Stop it Louis. You like Ginger. Think about Ginger not....


"Hi there, Mr. Styles, but I am pretty sure you are in my seventh period" says the teacher.

I break out of my thoughts and look up to see the curly brown-haired boy standing in the front of the room.

A few others look up and watch what goes on.

Harry laughs. Damn he is ho- no.

"Yes, sir. I have a note here though" he says and hands a slip to the teacher.

He reads it over then looks at me, "Louis... The principal needs to see you ASAP" he says.

I swallow and stand up as Harry walks out. My heart sinks. It wasn't so bad going to the principals office if Harry was walking with me.

I shuffle to the front and grab the note from the teacher, "Try and hurry, Captain. You are going to miss a lot" he says sarcastically before actually giving me the note.

I nod and turn to walk out the classroom.

"Don't get caught kissing any dudes, Captain" says the same kid from before. His friends all chuckle and the teacher clears his throat, getting them to silence.

I shoot a glare at them before walking out the door. I look down at the note. Very messy writing. "Hey" says someone behind me.

I jump and turn around, "I have a pass!" I say holding up the piece of paper, knowing how strict the school is about not having passes.

It's Harry. Relief floods me, "Oh thank goodness it's you" I say.

"Well, seeing that you have a pass, I'll let you go" he chuckles, "To the 'principals office' shall we?" He asks using air quotations.

"What? Wait, the principal doesn't need me?" I ask as we start walking.

"Ha! No, I just get these passes because I work in the office first period" he chuckles, "You're welcome."

"But why? Oh. This is about the newspaper, isn't it" I ask, figuring it out.

He nods, "Yeah, you cleared up that it definitely wasn't me making out with you and-"

I quickly cover his mouth, "Shh!! Anyone could be listening! I told everyone I'm not gay so this doesn't have to go any farther, Harry" I tell him and remove my hand.

"I want to kiss you so bad" Harry blurts out.

I bite my bottom lip. I was deciding what to tell him. Do I tell him the truth? Do I lie? I figure truth is the best.

"Come here" I say and start walking.

Harry follows me, "Oh gosh, Louis, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. It just came out. Gosh. I screwed up our friendship" he mumbles.

"Shut up, and follow me" I say and go into a bathroom. I check under all the stalls to make sure no one was in there.

I pull him by the collar into a stall. I close it and lock it before pushing him against it and pushing my lips desperately to his.

We keep a steady rhythm in our kiss until I break away, "Fuck" I mutter.

"What, baby?" he asks.

"Stop! I'm not baby!" I whisper yell at him.

"Sorry... Louis I'm sorry" he apologizes.

"I know, I know you are. Harry, I can't do this. We will get caught and I can't live with this! My maid already came in on me and now it's the school! I'm the captain of the damn football team! This is bad rep for me, Harry" I explain him.

"I know, I know. Louis. This was wrong. Sorry."

"Just stop apologizing. Harry, this is hard to admit but I like you a lot. But I can't risk people finding this out. Even if I said I was bi. Not just gay, they would flip. I could loose my spot on the team. I could loose possible scholarships. It means so much to me, Harry and I don't want to loose it over some guy. Sorry" I say and unlock the door.

I push the door and step around Harry. Luckily, no one had come in to hear our conversation.

"Wait Louis" he says, stepping out as well.

I turn around.

"If you ever need to talk or something, I'm here" he offers.

I scoff and roll my eyes before storming out of the bathroom and back to class.

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