11 always you

481 9 2

small spice warning! enjoy xx

"Still can party, even with a hurt knee?" asked Ryder as Lacey, Braxton, and I sat beside him at a party on Saturday.

"Guess so," I replied.

I am not even sure why I decided to go. It's only a matter of time before Lacey and Braxton wander off to do their own thing.

"Where's Ella?" I asked.

He put his feet up on the coffee table, and sunk into the couch. "She left a minute ago to get us drinks."

Even I knew that wasn't the case. Actually, right when we walked in, I had watched Ella wander off with Carew. Although, I knew it was best not to say anything to Ryder.

So, minute after minute went by, and Ella never returned. Ryder wore a frown the whole time.

"Maybe we should go look for her," I recommended.

He glanced over at me, and he looked so done as his eyes were tired.

"It's fine. I'm just pissed. She drags me off to these parties, only to ditch me," he mumbled.

"Do you know where she ends up going?" I asked, even though I knew very well what she was up to. Anyone knows if they just put two and two together. I'm not sure if Ryder is scared to admit the fact that she is cheating on him or what.

"I don't know."

I glanced around at the crowd before us. They were all having a good time, and then there was us, doing the exact opposite. I stood up from where I sat and faced him while holding out my hands.

"Come on," I said, "we're doing something fun."

He shook his head. "I don't want to be here."

"Having fun doesn't mean partying. We can do something else," I explained as I made a grab for one of his hands and attempted to pull him up.

"Ains, be careful. You have a hurt knee."

"Yeah, so you better stand up because I am not going to be able to pull your weight without blowing out my knee."

He rolled his eyes but a small smile formed on his mouth as he pushed himself off the couch and stood before me. "Alright, come on then."

We left the house, waving goodbye to Lacey and Braxton as we went, and climbed into his Jeep. A small smile formed onto my face as I pulled the seat belt on because it reminded me of old times.

Oh, to be loved by Ryder James again.

Slowly, he backed out of the driveway, but then he sped up to a fast speed once we were on the road.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

He glanced over at me and gave me a small smile. "I just figured we could relive some of our happy moments together."

My stomach did a complete flip and I felt a small smile spread onto my face. Based on those words, I knew exactly where we were headed.

A few moments later, Ryder pulled off the main road and onto the familiar dirt road.

"Do you think Ella would be mad if she knew we were here, and together?"

Seeming to know what I was asking, he shook his head. "I have never even brought Ella here," was all he said.  

Though I wanted to ask further questions, I didn't.

A short drive later, he pulled to a stop at the clearing and turned the engine off. A silence overcame us, but it was comforting.

You Belong With Me (A Sequel to "What Once Was") Where stories live. Discover now