10 a soft spot for you

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"How was school?" my mom asked. Homecoming was just a few days ago and I have been so busy ever since. Volleyball has taken up so much of my time. I have barely even talked to my parents because of it.

I sat down on one of the stools at the kitchen counter. "It was good. I'm so tired though."

She nodded. "I bet. How was homecoming? I feel like I have barely talked to you since," she said as she placed a bowl of strawberries in front of me, which I happily ate.

"It was okay. Lacey and Braxton are basically back together so she sorta left me for him. I don't mind though."

"Well, I don't blame you for not minding because you did leave early with Ryder after all..."

I coughed loudly and felt my cheeks turn red. How does she know about that?

"I was just giving him a ride home. How did you hear about that?"

She gave me a knowing smile. "At lunch, with Nancy."

"You went to lunch with Nancy James?" I questioned.

"Yeah. We go every Wednesday."

I raised an eyebrow. "You go to lunch, every Wednesday, with my ex boyfriend's mom?" I wondered.

"Can you blame me? Nancy is amazing. We couldn't let our friendship die just because you two broke up!"

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, anyways... Why are you asking about me driving Ryder home?"

"Oh, well Nancy wants you to get Ryder back. I personally agree with her after hearing what she said about Ella. Have you met his girlfriend? She sounds terrible!"

"She plays volleyball, so yes, Ma."

"Oh! That's right. Well, Nancy was telling me about how Ella is some big partier and all, but super controlling over Ryder."

"That's not something I can just prevent. Ryder needs to end that relationship on his own. He's head over heels for her. I can't just tell him his girlfriend is controlling. That'll make him mad," I explained. "And besides, Ryder and I are just friends."

"Friends aren't in love with each other," she replied.

I narrowed my eyes at her, but she was not looking at me. "Give up. I'm focused on myself, not boys."


On Thursday, I was in the locker room getting ready for the volleyball game when two people entered. It did not take long for me to figure out that it was Katie and Ella.

"I feel like we drifted entirely," said the voice of Ella, which immediately grabbed my attention because I knew this was about Ryder.

"That's probably because you keep cheating on him," replied Katie. I had to nod in agreement with that statement; never would I have found myself agreeing with Katie Wellington.

Ella scoffed loudly and I could hear her rummaging through her locker which was a few aisles over from mine. "Maybe I wouldn't have to if he would quit looking at Ainsley all the time. I swear, he gives her more attention in a day than I get from him in the span of a week."

"You know he only does that because he wants to be on her good side, right? I mean, it's not like she's that special. It's obvious he only hangs around her because of the name," Katie said which made me roll my eyes. "I think that's the case for all her friends."

"But still, I feel like not even his family likes me anymore... and that worries me. What if he's drifting away from me?"

"I'm sure everything is fine. Couples go through rough patches all the time," explained Katie. Even she sounded bored of Ella.

You Belong With Me (A Sequel to "What Once Was") Where stories live. Discover now