Part 60 "Father Dearest"

Start from the beginning

Seeing the guilt etched upon Vorgen's face, Marius offered one last piece of advice by asking him to be on his best behavior from then on.

Vorgen left, his face marked by guilt, while Marius returned to attend to his master.

Reegan: "Is he gone?"

Marius: "Yes, milord" Marius confirmed, closing the door behind him. 

Reegan: "How was my acting?" He asked, while wiping his mouth with a napkin.

Marius: "Splendid performance, sir" he replied with a hint of admiration

The coughing and the blood was actually just a performance that they planned in order to prevent Vorgen from causing trouble any further. A desperate measure to ensure Vorgen's compliance and good behavior.

Reegan: "This might feel wrong but it's the only way for him to behave." he sighed deeply, the weight of his actions and the need for them hanging heavily in the air.


Morning broke, and Reegan stirred in his bed, roused by the cheerful symphony of birds and the distant, unmistakable cries of a cockatrice. However, his slumber was disrupted by a disconcerting feeling that he was not alone in the room, as though an unseen presence were fixated upon him.

Squinting in the morning light, Reegan's eyes fell upon a tall, imposing figure lurking in the darkened corner of his chamber. A shiver of unease coursed through him.

(Oh shit! Is that an Insidious movie reference???? I haven't seen the movie btw)

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(Oh shit! Is that an Insidious movie reference???? I haven't seen the movie btw)

Reegan, his voice trembling, cautiously inquired,

Reegan: "What is.... "

The enigmatic figure stepped forth, emerging from the shadows, and to Reegan's bewilderment, it was none other than his son, Vorgen. The lower half of Vorgen's mask had been deftly unfurled, revealing a smile that was meant to convey warmth but instead carried an eerie, unsettling quality.

Vorgen: "Good morning, father." He greeted, his unnerving smile firmly in place.

Vorgen's seldom smiled, causing his smile, despite its genuine intent, seemed more akin to a macabre visage.

Reegan, unable to contain his surprise, let out a panicked scream.


Vorgen, unperturbed by his father's reaction, approached, bearing a tray laden with a breakfast ensemble that included sunny-side-up eggs, sausages, tea, and pancakes.

Vorgen: "I made you breakfast" he said With an eerie calmness, setting the tray down on his father's lap.

Reegan: "........T-thank you.... boy." 

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