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After leaving Luke with Caleb, Julie's eyes hardened, unwilling to let someone hurt her again. She created internal walls to protect herself. Reggie and Alex noticed her guardedness, keeping her distracted.

She had suffered from Luke leaving, guarding her heart tightly. Then they were asked to perform at the HGC. Julie hesitated, knowing that, after so many years of performing, would Luke recognise her? She had grown up, her face losing pretty much all it's baby fat. Her voice was stronger. She had hit her growth spurt, shooting up in height.

Taller than Reggie or Alex, she planned to retire and move to a small cottage on the outskirts of small town Rosewood.

Two hours later.

She had accepted the invitation to sing at Caleb's club. They headed over, preparing. The three heard the elder's voice faintly. "Introducing, for the second time, Julie and the Phantoms!" She, Alex and Reggie walked onstage, smiling and waving. The crowd went wild, shouting and cheering. One face watched them, confused.

"I would like to call Luke Patterson here. In honour of old times, come on up!" She called. The dark haired male wandered over, unsure. Then she started. "I remember it all too well."

A lyrical voice echoing over the crowd, she closed her eyes. 'The truth hurts, a lie's worse.' Reggie and Alex picked her song up, harmonising with the woman Luke could never return to or confess how he felt.

She opened her eyes again, tired. "Thank you, and goodnight! This is our final show for good, as I'm retiring and leaving the music business permanently. I will miss you all so much! Goodbye!" Julie walked backstage, Alex and Reggie following. "Are you sure about this, Julie?" Alex worriedly asks.

She nods, exhausted. "Seeing Luke... Brought bad memories to the forefront of my mind. I need to move on and put him behind me. So I'm retiring to Rosewood, Pennsylvania. There I can live a quiet life, away from the hubbub of daily goings on." Their friend and leader answered, eyes displaying tiredness.

Two years later.

Having adopted the name Madison Reyes, Julie had long since moved to Rosewood and settled in a cottage on the outskirts, preferring to keep away from people, only going into town when necessary. Alex and Reggie stayed with her, occasionally visiting the HGC and Luke.
She enjoyed her private life, watching the birds peck at the dirt. She sometimes sang, listening to the birds respond. The young woman soon noticed a young male walking past daily, eyes meeting briefly.

She was gone when he turned to get a better look, confused. Jonah hurried home, intrigued. "Mom! Who lives in that cottage on the outskirts of Rosewood?" He asked. "Madison Reyes. She moved here two years ago, settling in the house. Keeps to herself. Why?" Freya Campbell answers. "I might have just seen her." He spoke. Freya's eyes widen, surprised.

"She's been heard talking to air, saying 'Alex' and 'Reggie'. Google it." Freya orders.  He pulled his phone out and searched. "Julie Molina has quit the music business, retiring and moving. She looks exactly like the girl I saw earlier. I'll go investigate." He decided.

Sneaking up to the cottage, Jonah heard voices singing, spotting Madison dancing around with two guys on drums and guitar. She moved like a swan, gliding about. He crept closer, not knowing Alex had seen him, continuing to play.

The blonde stopped, confusing the two. They followed his eyes and froze, before picking the song back up. "Come on come on don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out." Madison's voice rose, and fell, eyes clouding in pain. The blonde and brunette realised why she'd chosen the song, heads dropping. "Here's to Luke. May he forever be a part of us." The brunette spoke, Jonah slowly approaching.

"Who's Luke?" The ravenette asked. Madison's eyes closed. "He was a friend of ours, before he fell under this spell and abandoned us to join a ghost club. We all miss him." The brunette said. The blonde spoke. "I'm Alex, he's Reggie and you clearly know Julie. We're three parts of Julie and the Phantoms. Hi." Alex greeted.


Caleb was watching the way Luke seemed to be fading, worried. Removing the stamp, he hurried over to the brunette. "Go to your band. They need you more than me now. Go!" The free ghost vanished.

Rosewood, Pennsylvania.

A noise sounded, Jonah, Madison, Alex and Reggie looking up. "LUKE!" The three screamed, tackling their friend in a hug. Landing on top of him, Madison inspected her friend. "You're back. I've missed you. We've ALL missed you." She murmured. He reached a hand up, caressing her face.

The three got up, backing away so Luke could stand. He then approached Madison, hand twining with hers. He kissed her deeply, pouring all of his regrets and love into it. She let her eyes close, holding him tight.

They soon break away, staying next to each other. Jonah felt his heart sink, knowing she was unavailable. Alex and Reggie walk over, hugging Luke. She looks to Jonah, curious. "Who are you?" Julie asks, wandering over to him. "Jonah Scott. Nice to meet you all."

Two months later, Madison's cottage.

Jonah walked up, seeing the four dancing to a song only they could hear. Clapping, wild movements and laughter rang out, free. Madison spun in circles, dark hair flying. Luke, Reggie and Alex surrounded her, unleashing their inner wildness. She looked at Jonah, before losing herself in the silent song again. As he got closer, he realised they were playing a song on low. 'I Bet My Life', by Imagine Dragons.

He wanted to join in, but hung back. Reggie soon waved him over, allowing him a spot in their select group. The five danced wildly, clapping and letting loose. Locking eyes with Madison, a jolt ran through Jonah, briefly stopping him.

It was only hours later, darkness had long since fallen, that Jonah's mother came looking for him. She watched the five's wild dancing, unaware of their surroundings. "Jonah. Home. Now." She ordered. He looked disappointed, turning away. "Bye guys, Madison." The three males and Madison watched him go with his mother, breathless.

The next morning.

Jonah headed out again, hurrying to Madison's cottage. She, Luke, Alex and Reggie were waiting for him before they started dancing, hitting play on the song. Without a word, the four had an unspoken agreement that Jonah was the fifth member of their group.

Unleashing their inner animal, the five danced for hours, clapping, drumming their feet and singing along. Jonah and Luke would take turns spinning Madison in circles, both Reggie's and Alex's voices echoing through the trees.

Two nights later.

Madison was sitting alone, staring at the pond water. Luke came up next to her, nervous. "Hey." She didn't answer, too lost in thoughtful memory. He sits down next to her, reaching out hesitantly. "Two years!" She screamed. "Two years, and I never stopped hoping you'd come back to us. To me. You once meant the world to me. Still do. Luke, I love you. From the moment we met, I fell for you hard. Things might've changed between us, but my feelings remain. Forever and always."

Gone: Missing SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now