"Yeah shout out to her cause I don't know where I'll be right now without her. When I was going through shit she was there she ain't never turned her back on me when she could have shit she should have if I'm honestly speaking. ,"spoke Messiah.

"How did you come up with the name of your shop BeyondInk? ," asked Big Boy.

"BeyondInk isn't just about tattooing we a family like with yo family y'all fight; argue but when its time to stand on business y'all got each other's back no matter what. ," explained Messiah.

"You plan on expanding? What should we expect from you this year? ," questioned Big Boy.

"In the near future yeah I plan on expanding no time soon. This year y'all should expect BeyondInk being on top of the list for the top tattoo spot. Also, my wife is opening her shop soon, but for right now y'all shop her website Waydamin.com. ," Messiah promoted Sincere's brand.

"Y'all heard it from the man himself BeyondInk is taking over this year. Messiah appreciate you for stopping through to chop it up with us. This is Big Boy and we out. ," Big Boy cut the air.


Bet you didn't know that I've been watchin' and plottin' on you
You was for the streets until I came in and dropped it on you
I was never worried 'bout them groupies you've been with
I don't mind the girls you had, they basic, they blew it, they mad 'cause you choosin'
Wonder how I do it
Turned into a lover boy, he used to be ruthless

They were attending an evening party at the beach with all the locals. Sincere held his chin singing to him enjoying herself Queen Naija brought out the lover girl in her. She could truly say she was coming to term of being at complete peace and she was gradually get back to herself.

"One time for the girls that can't understand how I got you like that. ," sung Sincere swaying from side to side.

"I ain't in no rush, but with you I ain't gon' play no games. Think I'm in love with the way that you say my name. ," Messiah wrapped his arms around her waist loosely.

"Come on. ," she grabbed his hand pulling him towards the water until they were enough distances away from everyone else. Sincere turned with her back facing his front wrapping his arms back around her.

"How you feeling? You enjoying yourself? ," asked Messiah toying with her belly ring.

"This is the most I've felt at peace in a while. I'm better I'm not feeling like I gotta make sure everyone is straight just you taking care of and making me happy. ," said Sincere rubbing her much smaller hands over his larger ones.

"That's all I want you to do. This trip all about you no kids, no family, no friends; just Sincere. ," he buried his face into her neck placing light kisses.

"That tickles. Wait Siah don't drop me! ," laughed Sincere feeling herself being lifted from her feet and Messiah spinning them around.

"First time I heard yo laugh in Since we've been in each other's presence. ," his smile reflected hers knowing she wasn't as sad as she was days ago.

"I told you I'm getting better and I'm learning to let go of things I have no control over. I'm looking forward to healing. ," said Sincere.

"I'm glad I can do that for you. ," said Messiah.

"Do what? ," questioned Sincere.

"Make you happy. I love you. ," Messiah adjusted her in his arms.

"I love you too. ," replied Sincere laying her head on his shoulder both watching the waves crash.

Revengence: 'Til death do us part Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant