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Sincere Brewster
"You think I don't know what you did? Ren and NeNe were old enough to understand what was going on y'all tried to hide it from me. I knew about your old life style Daddy you were barely h—

"I know! I know what I did Sincere but that was the old me. I tried my best to protect y'all from harms way and I did. I know I wasn't there for you when you were a little girl, but I was there for the rest of your life. I'm here now! ," yelled Silas.

What was suppose to be a family meeting with everyone with the absence of Nana, Patrice, and Giovanni turned into a intense argument between Sincere and her dad. Everyone else sat watching not knowing what to do, but Erin knew this needed to happen for Sincere's sake.

"I needed you then too! I-I need you and yo-you weren't he-here. I gotta go. ," hiccuped Sincere grabbing Deuce carrying him out the door.

"Baby. ," Messiah followed her.

"I just need some air. Hmm take him for me. ,"Sincere handed Kareem off to his dad.

"Noonie just come—

"I promise I'll be back. ," Sincere hopped in her car pulling off.

At an abandoned store parking lot Sincere sat in silence. She opened up her arm rest pulling out an old sonogram of her first child that she lost. That's the only one she had being that she found out the day she miscarried.

"It's all my fault if I would've left that night maybe no of this would be happening. If I would've just gave up the money when they asked this problem wouldn't continue to follow us. I wish Scar would've just killed me that night when I told him too. ," sobbed Sincere though her ringing phone caught her attention.

"Hello? ," she sucked up her tears wiping her face.

"Are you okay? Where are you? ," asked Serenity.

"Why? ," asked Sincere toying with the necklace around her neck.

"Please come back Noonie. ," begged Serenity.

"I'll be there in like ten minutes. ," she hung up before putting her vehicle in drive going back to her parents Airbnb.

"Everyone still here. ," stated Serenity letting her in the house.

"Mhmm I have to use the bathroom. ," she walked up the stairs suddenly feeling dizzy.

"You okay? ," Serenity held her waist so she wouldn't fall.

"Yeah I'm fi—

"Call 911! Noonie what did you do? ," cried Serenity holding her baby sister collapsed body in her arms hearing the commotion from everyone else.


"Family of Sincere Brewster? ," a doctor called out watching the group of people come towards her.

"How is she? ," asked Messiah holding Kairi and Kareem in his arms. They were wide awake observing everything around them.

"And who may you be? ," asked the doctor.

"I'm her husband. ," he answered.

"Mrs. Brewster is stable as of now. She's suffering from dehydration, malnutrition, sleep deprivation, and stress I don't know how she even kept going. We have her on an I.V. to give her fluids. If you would like to see her I'll take you. ," said the doctor.

"Y'all gone kill my damn sister move. ," June pushed pass them following the doctor with the rest of them. She knock on the door hear a faint come in.

"Hi Sincere you have a few visitors if you don't mind. Just press the button if you need me. ," said the doctor leaving.

"Okay. ," mumbled Sincere.

"Mommy. ," called Kareem. Messiah placed both kids on the bed.

"Hi my loves. ," Sincere rubbed their faces.

"You sick Ma Noonie? ," asked Kairi.

"Mommy sick? ," questioned Kareem.

"Just a little I'll be better soon. ," said Sincere.

"Don't cry mommy you be okay, okay? ," Kareem wiped her tears she didn't know had fell.

"Mommy's okay see I'm okay. ," she wiped her face plastering a fake smile giving him and Kairi kisses on their cheeks helping them climb down.

"I'm gone take them to the vending machine y'all want anything? ," asked Izzy grabbing both children hand.

"Yea we going to the cafeteria come on y'all give Noonie and Silas some privacy. ," said Erin as everyone followed her out.

"You could've went with them. ," spoke Sincere turning her body away from her Dad.

"When I met your mama Sienna and Serenity were already up in age they knew I wasn't their biological father and then we had you it was the happiest day of my life. It wasn't that I wasn't ready to be a father I was in the street and I wasn't ready to give up the fast life because of the money. I had to keep y'all safe even if that meant not showing up for your talent shows, games, award nights, and daddy-daughter dances you couldn't go to because of me. ," spoke Silas.

"It's okay it isn't like we can go back and change the past like we wish to. ," Sincere said softly.

"What I did wasn't okay Sincere... and I'm so sorry. ," he stood by her bed with his hands inside his pockets and he could hear her soft sniffles. Everyone came back but he waved them out except for Messiah.

"Whenever you want to talk I'm here. ," Silas leaned over and kissed the side of her head before exiting the room.

"Messiah. ,"whispered Sincere.

"Hmm? ," Messiah hummed questionably.

"I'm sorry for being so selfish and not thinking of anyone but myself. ," apologized Sincere.

"You not selfish Noon. ," said Messiah.

"Don't lie to me Messiah. I don't even feel like I'm doing all I can as a mom to Deuce. I lost our baby and it's my fault if I had known or maybe if I had left whe—

"Sincere don't do that mamas. Stop going hard on yourself about what you could have done because it's not gone bring our baby back I know it hurts. One thing fasho you a damn good mutha to Kareem you held shit together when I couldn't be there don't ever question yo parenting and don't ever question yo strength as a woman no more. ," Messiah held her face in his hands wiping her tears that constantly fell.

"I'm sorry. ," sobbed Sincere burying her face into his chest hugging his waist.

"Stop apologizing you know I hate seeing you cry. We both fucked up and we gone be alright you hear me? We gone be aight. ," sighed Messiah kissing the top of her head rubbing her hair.

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