Just A Birthday Party

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Saturday arrived, and it was the day for Rachel's birthday party. I was currently in my room, getting ready to go next door, and I couldn't help but feel nervous. I've been over to Rachel's house countless times, but not since Tyler has been back. So, this is different for me.

Sarah and Dad went over there early to lend a hand and help get the party ready. I wanted to help too, but Rachel told me that she didn't need any more help and that everything was already taken care of. So now, here I was looking into my full-length mirror at my reflection and stalling. I was dressed in a white halter top and black skinny jeans. I decided to wear my white Air Force 1 and left my hair in its natural curl on my shoulder.

I honestly didn't know why I was nervous. I had a boyfriend, and I was over Tyler. We could be amicable.

"Come on, Emily. I don't want to miss the cake." Charlie, my four years old brother, stressed as he emerged at my open doorway.

I turned to face my brother and looked at his pouting face. I smiled. "Okay, Charlie. We're going now." His face lit up in a bright smile, and he turned and ran away towards the stairs. I turned back towards my mirror.

Okay, Emily. You have nothing to worry about. Taking a deep sigh, I took up my phone from the charger and went downstairs. Maybe if I was lucky, we wouldn't even speak, and I'll just enjoy the party and leave before it gets weird.

After knocking on the door, it was opened a few seconds later to reveal Trenton. "Hi Emily. I'm so glad you could make it." He said with a smile on his face.

"Hi. Of course. I wouldn't miss Rachel's birthday party." I stated.

He then looked down towards Charlie beside me. "And if it isn't the little big man." He stated as he tousled Charlie's hair. Charlie giggled and squirmed from his hand. Trenton chuckled and faced me again. "Well, come on in. Rachel's at the back with the rest of our guests. She is pretending like she isn't happy about this party, but she's definitely basking in the attention." He then laughed a little before adding in a whisper. "But don't tell her I said so, though."

I laughed at that. "Okay, I won't."

He laughed again as he escorted us through the living room. Trenton never changed. He is still that cool and good-natured man that I met four years ago. He was still that person who would make light of a situation and make jokes. Exactly, just like Tyler.

Trenton and I walked to the back of the house where a small crowd was gathered. Charlie spotted Sarah and Dad in the group of people and ran towards them. I saw Rachel near a table talking to a few of her guests. I walked over in that direction.

"Hi Rachel. Happy birthday." I said when I reached her. I extended the present that I got for her towards her.

Rachel smiled. "Emily, you're here. Thank you so much, dear." She replied as she pulled me into a tight hug. When she pulled back, she took the gift and added. "We're about to do Karaoke. It was Sarah's idea because she knew how much I love to sing."

I laughed at the idea and nodded my head. "Yep, that sounds like my mom."

Rachel laughed, too, and turned towards the area that was set up for Karaoke.


A half an hour passed by, and now the party attendees were doing their own thing. Some people were eating, some were dancing, and others were having conversations. Rachel was sitting with Trenton and my parents drinking wine and laughing. I was sitting on a bench at the side of the house sipping on my drink.

My eyes then spotted Tyler at a table, cutting a slice of cake. I saw him a few times since I got here, but we didn't talk because of the activities and the crowd. Tyler suddenly turned his attention in my direction, and I quickly looked away. I focused my attention on the wine glass in my hands as I noticed that he took up the plate with the cake and made his way in my direction.

"Hi," He said as soon as he reached me.

"Hey." I greeted, finally looking at him.

He sat beside me and extended the plate he was holding towards me. "I noticed you haven't taken a slice of the cake as yet."

Masking the surprised I felt that the cake was for me, I took the plate from him. "Thank you."

He smiled and nodded his head in acknowledgment. "So, how have you been?"

"I've been great. I'm working at a newspaper company downtown." I replied.

His smile brightened, and that made me relax and feel more comfortable with him. "That's great. You were always talking about journalism."

I nodded my head and smiled, happy that he remembered that. My eyes then caught sight of the neat, cursive writing of my name just barely showing below his shirt sleeve. He had gotten this tattoo four years ago when we were together. When I had just seen it, I was shocked and surprised.

My mind took me back to that time as I recalled what he had said when I had asked him about it:

"I want if any girl looks at me, they'll know that I'm taken and that I'm only yours." He then added with a goofy smile. "Plus, whenever I see your name on my skin, I'll think of you, and it'll make me feel good."

I shook my head slightly to push those memories and feelings away. Remembering that day and seeing the tattoo now brought back so many memories of us together, and honestly, I can't be thinking about that now. Not ever.

Even though I missed him a lot, I can't be thinking about him anymore. I've finally gotten my life on track, and I can't ruin that. I have to keep our relationship strictly platonic in order not to complicate things.

We didn't say anything else after that. We just sat in silence, laughing at his parents who were now dancing, joking around and acting crazy. I smiled as I watched them. I liked their relationship very much. Those two were definitely fit for each other. They were the kind of people who tried to have fun and make the best of every moment no matter what.

"We should catch up sometime." I heard Tyler say, bringing my attention back to him. "Would it be okay if we have lunch tomorrow at the coffee shop in town?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, sure. I would love that."

"Great. See you then." He said as he got up from beside me and walked away.

I watched him until he disappeared into a crowd of people before sighing and turning my attention back to the cake he gave me.

AN: Thank you for reading!!

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See you next chapter 😊


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