Chapter 31: Invasion!

Start from the beginning

"Both of them are spectacular" said one young girl in awe.

"I told you, I told all of you that Naruto-nii was awesome!" shouted Konohamaru, who was ecstatic over Naruto's win and couldn't believe how strong his elder brother figure was.

-In the Finalist Box-

"I don't believe it...Senju beat Yugito" said a shocked Karui.

"Geez, what a troublesome fight" muttered Shikamaru as he looked over the destroyed arena and the two exhausted blondes and was once again glad he forfeited his match.

"Shit, what do we do now?" asked a worried Kankuro in a low voice. "If he gets near Gaara when the invasion starts he could..."

"I know!" interrupted Temari who was also worried. "But the plan can still work; look at how exhausted he is. All we have to do is keep him away from Gaara until he fully transforms. Once his transformation is complete, not even Senju will be able to stop him."

"Yea alright" replied Kankuro, who did not look entirely convinced and could tell that his sister doubted her own words as well.

At the same time, while everyone else was talking, Sasuke, Gaara and Shino just stared down the arena, with their eyes trained on the panting Senju Heir.

-In the Kage Box-

"That boy...he's even more dangerous than we had imagined" thought the Raikage, who had a large frown on his face.

"Excellent" thought a disguised Orochimaru with evil smirk, who was quite pleased with how far Naruto had progressed since the Forest of Death.

"Well done my boy" thought a smiling Sarutobi, who was very proud of his surrogate Grandson and slowly clapped for him along with the rest of the cheering crowd.

"I only wish you were here to see this would be damn proud of your son" thought a smiling Jiraiya.

"Well done Naru-chan, I'm very proud of you" thought a beaming Tsunade.

"Zabuza and Haku, were right about him...he is quite an interesting boy" the Mizukage thought with a intrigued look on her face as she joined in the Sandaime in slowly clapping for Naruto.

-In the Arena-

Down in the arena Naruto could hear the audience chanting not only his name, but Yugito's as well, for a well fought match.

Among the chanting, Naruto could hear people yelling about how incredible their battle was and how amazing both he and Yugito were. He could even hear people calling their battle the greatest fight in the history of the Chunin exam.

As the audience continued to applaud the two Genin, Genma turned to Naruto, who was slowly getting back onto his feet.

"Hey kid, if it's possible do you think could do something about these things?" the Tokubetsu Jōnin asked as he pointed to the large wooden tentacles that covered most of the arena, and the wooden pillars around Yugito. "Since we can't really finish the exam with the arena covered in trees."

"Eh yea, I think so" Naruto replied, where he formed a single ram seal and then placed his right hand on the ground and closed his eyes and began to concentrate, calling back the wooden tentacles and pillars and reabsorbed the Chakra that he used to create them.

After a few minutes the wooden tentacles and pillars had sunk back into the ground and Naruto slowly stood back up. He had regained a small portion of his Chakra, but was still very weak and tired.

"Sorry, but that's all I can do" a tried Naruto said as he looked at Genma.

"That's ok, we can handle the rest" the Tokubetsu Jōnin replied with a small smirk. After which he watched Naruto walk over to Yugito, who was still lying on the ground but was now unbound. "That kid sure has amazing stamina, after a battle like that, I'm amazed he can even stand let alone walk."

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