Chapter 14: Teams.

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-Training Ground Seven-

Upon leaving his previous team and becoming the apprentice of both Yamato and Kushina, the past two weeks had become fairly interesting for Naruto.

For the first few days both Kushina and Naruto had been stuck doing E rank missions, as punishment for their pranking contest, (which Naruto won by redesigning the entire ANBU division masks with ridiculous faces, where several of the member had to wear them as they chased after Naruto). Not to mention for all the damage they did during the contest (and for ruining the Hokage's private reading time with his Icha Icha book).

Yamato of course refused to help either of them, as he was still a bit peeved at how they left him holding the bill at the Ramen stand.

Eventually though things calm down and Naruto got onto some hard training with his two Sensei's, Kushina of course decided that she would help train Naruto to further improve his Kenjutsu, by teaching him her Arasuijin no Mai (Dance of the Raging Water Goddess) sword style, which she created. The style itself involved using not only a sword but also water as a weapon as well, which was why the style was best used around a large nearby water source. But since Naruto could draw a large amount of water from the plants and air around him, he did not have this handicap.

Yamato on the other hand started training Naruto to better use his Mokuton bloodline, during the course of the past few weeks Naruto's skill in his bloodline improved, where instead of needing seeds to grow trees, he was able to create a fully grown one out of the ground by himself. Yamato also taught Naruto how to create wood binds, where Naruto could create wooden binds that would come from his body and rap themselves around an opponent's body and subdue the person.

But what amazed Yamato, when he was training Naruto, was that Naruto could not only grow trees and wooden objects, but also grow plants and manipulate them to a certain degree, something that he (Yamato) himself couldn't do. Hence when Yamato informed the Sandaime, the old Hokage could not help but wonder if this was another mutation of Mokuton bloodline, or the next evolution to the bloodline, much like how the Sharingan can evolve to the Mangekyō Sharingan. But regardless of this, Yamato continued to help Naruto with his Mokuton abilities and in his plant abilities as well.

"Nicely done there Naruto!" spoke Kushina as she avoided another one of Naruto's slashes, "But try this!" she cried as she then stabbed forwards with her Katana.

Seeing this, Naruto did a backwards flip and landed on the small pond that was near them, where he channelled Chakra to his feet so that he could walk on the surface.

After Naruto avoided her attack, Kushina quickly jumped forward and on to the pond and attempted to slash at him again.

Seeing Kushina coming towards him, Naruto quickly dipped his Katana into the water underneath him and cried out "Mizu no Jōshō (Rising Water)! (A)"swinging his Kanata upward, creating several waves of water around him and acting like a wall of water, blocking Kushina's attack and making her jump backwards, away from the wall of water.

As soon as Kushina jumped away from the wall of water, it quickly collapsed and Naruto then charged forward towards Kushina swinging his Katana in a horizontal slash.

When Kushina saw this, she quickly raised her sword to block Naruto's slash with her Katana, but when she did, she quickly realised that Naruto's slash was a feint, as Naruto had dropped his Katana into his other hand in mid-swing, making Kushina think that Naruto's first slash was real. When the actual attack was the second slash, which Kushina could not avoid or block in time, where when Naruto swung his Katana, he cried out "Mizu no Atsuen (Rolling Water)! (B)" and slashed at Kushina's stomach.

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